Monday, January 28, 2013

On My Way

I am on my way
To a better day
The night has come
To take this one away.
I know that tomorrow
Has to be a better day
For today is as bad
A day I’ve had in many a day.
Sick and dejected
After being rejected
I came to my bottle
And found its bottom.
Still deep in remorse
Too drunk to drive
But not drunk enough
To drown the sting.
So I walked to the store
Just a mile away
Bought a case of beer
And drank it on the way home.
Two cans down
By the time I get back
And another four
In short order.
I hope that before the time
The rest is gone
I will find oblivion
And be able to forget.
To forget, at least for the night
How bad it hurt
How bad it still hurts
All the dreams and anticipation,
That died with her decision
To find a life without me,
And leave me to my
Own devices.
So I am on my way
To a better day
Just as soon as I
Can forget.
Don't live in the past
They say
But are we not the
Sum of all we did?
And is not that better day
Launched from the now
That we stand upon
All the days you have lived?
What did I learn from
Her leaving,
But not to trust another
With the love of my heart?
Pick and choose
From this and that
That was put before me
With my own acts.
Desire still lives
But has no object.
Hope has reached the point
Of hopelessness.
But I ware my mask
Putting the smile on my face
Somehow ashamed.
Ashamed of my failure
To keep the one I love
And so desired
To be by my side.
So I speak not of this
But have resigned myself
To living a life 
Without the love of a woman.
This I know
Is my very own fault.
For there have been many
Who wanted me
That I did not want.
And way too many
I wanted that did not want me.
We all go on our way
Picking and choosing as best we can.
With the ghosts
Of yesterday
Shading our decisions
And pointing our ways.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sandy Hook, I Just Want To Know

This first video shows the Department of Homeland Securities
procedure for conducting a school shooting simulation/drill:

The next video compares the Sandy Hook shooting

with the procedure outline above:

there is so much information about it, it is hard to believe that it happened as stated by the officials. Please watch the video in it's entirety and make your own conclusion.

What happened to the "Black Sweat Shirts"? Why didn't the woman hear anything prior to? And many other unanswered questions.....

Dr. Oz Interview of Sandy Hook Elementary student. The host discloses that the kids told him beforehand what they wanted him to ask, in order to avoid traumatic questioning and - I would surmise - would permit the kids to be thoroughly prepared and confident of their answer. At the :39 mark he says they were having a DRILL, then he is interrupted by the good doctor. You be the judge.

At first

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

Here are news reports from ABC, NBC and CBS stating that Adam Lanza had left the Bushmaster rifle in the car. One report even states that only the two pistols were found by Lanza's side. How could ALL of these initial reports have been wrong?

Lt. J. Paul Vance, the face of an ongoing Connecticut State Police investigation into worst grade school shooting in U.S. history, on Thursday debunked media and Internet reports that Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza killed his victims with handguns and not the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle that is now the focus of a proposed federal assault weapons ban.

Now it is claimed that all 26 of Lanza's victims were shot with the .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle, said Vance, who bristled at claims to the contrary during an interview with Hearst Connecticut Newspapers.

"It's all these conspiracy theorists that are trying to mucky up the waters," said Vance, the state police spokesman.

Why Lt. Vance would blame conspiracy theorists for muddying up the waters when NBC released the reports below stating that ONLY handguns were brought into the school according to their sources within the federal and state governments. Additionally, the second video below shows 2 (TWO) long guns being removed from Adam Lanza's car. Pay close attention to the 2 minute 28 second mark. Are there not 2 guns pulled out of the trunk?

Here is Max Igan with a possible explanation:

I do not know how or why Sandy Hook happens. but I do
know that there are a lot of things left unexplained.

The video below covers all the inconsistencies that have been reported:

Sandy Hook - All Four Doors on the Civic were Open

Example of an elementary school evacuation held on January 7th 2013 in Glendale CA.. This reporter believes that this is what we should have seen at Sandy Hook.

While there are indeed a multitude of other conspiracies involved with the Sandy Hook shooting, the Parker family photo of the younger Parker Family photo raises serious questions that should not be ignored by fellow conspiracy investigators.

Until all of this is explained I will be unsatisfied with any rendition
of the story.


new school :

Expressing Mother Hood (laura phelps) :

Laura Phelps Play (viewer discretion is advised, horrible acting)

Sites up before shooting :

Saturday, January 26, 2013


“Trust your feelings”, hear it all the time and as time goes on more and more, but what does it mean?  Are feeling to be trusted?  I feel like a soda, like I need to go to bed, feel hungry, sure those feeling can be trusted.  Now how do you feel about Democracy, Capitalism, socialism, or a planned economy as opposed to a free market?   These are not thing that one should accept or reject based upon feelings rather these are the things that you should let your reason play with to come up with your support or rejection.  Regardless the propagandists will work on your feelings and try to bypass your thinking.  They will work on your subconscious to recruit to their way of seeing the world.

“Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position by presenting only one side of an argument. Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide variety of media in order to create the chosen result in audience attitudes.”  By this definition anyone who is working for a cause and is trying to convince you of it rightness is a propagandist.  We call something ‘spin’ we are referring to the propagandists to give information, or miss-information, that favorable to his point of view.  They will not bring up facts which does not favor their argument, and poo paw and negative facts that does come to light.  How many times have you heard it said, “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not to their own facts”?
The Video below: Propaganda Techniques - 1950

Lying by omission is when someone knows certain detrimental fact to his cause but does not bring them up when making their case.   It is not the presentation of the truth that is the propagandist is concern with, rather to produce an emotional rather than a rational consideration to the argument he is making.  Propaganda when the word was coined was generally benign or innocuous persuasions, such as public health recommendations, signs encouraging citizens to participate in a census or election, or messages encouraging persons to report crimes to the police, among others. 

But it has devolved Garth Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell has provided a concise, workable definition of the term: "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist."    More to the point Richard Alan Nelson puts it in A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States (1996) pp. 232-233: "Propaganda is neutrally defined as a systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels. A propaganda organization employs propagandists who engage in propagandism—the applied creation and distribution of such forms of persuasion.”

This Video is an Education For Death - Disney WWII Propaganda Cartoon

So I besiege you to be wary whenever someone is putting forth arguments that appeals to your feeling rather than to your understanding.  We find the propagandists in all sides, but on whichever side we encounter him we should not be manipulated by our feelings as to what is right and what is wrong about the argument, leave that to you reason and put your feelings aside.

In this current push to pass Gun Control laws you will find lots of  Propaganda employed, look for it and point it out to others.

The Trayvon Martin shooting media blitz is a good example of a successful propaganda campaign.  You do not hear about the racist Zimmerman any more for his role in their purposes is done.  When he is acquitted of the charges you may hear his name brought back up by the MSM,, now they have biger fish to fry, guns.

For a complete history of Trayvon/Zimmerman travesty read “EXCLUSIVE: 'BULLIES' EXCERPT: HOW THE LEFT CRUCIFIED GEORGE ZIMMERMAN”
Click HERE

According to this official, “senior public affairs” officers within the Department of Defense want to “get rid” of Smith-Mundt act of 1948 and other restrictions because it prevents information activities designed to prop up unpopular policies—like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
 The Pentagon spends some $4 billion a year to sway public opinion already, and it was recently revealed by USA Today the DoD spent $202 million on information operations in Iraq and Afghanistan last year.

In an apparent retaliation to the USA Today investigation, the two reporters working on the story appear to have been targeted by Pentagon contractors, who created fake Facebook pages and Twitter accounts in an attempt to discredit them.

(In fact, a second amendment to the authorization bill — in reaction to the USA Today report — seeks cuts to the Pentagon’s propaganda budget overseas, while this amendment will make it easier for the propaganda to spread at home.)

According to this official, “senior public affairs” officers within the Department of Defense want to “get rid” of Smith-Mundt act of 1948 and other restrictions because it prevents information activities designed to prop up unpopular policies—like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
 The Pentagon spends some $4 billion a year to sway public opinion already, and it was recently revealed by USA Today the DoD spent $202 million on information operations in Iraq and Afghanistan last year.

In an apparent retaliation to the USA Today investigation, the two reporters working on the story appear to have been targeted by Pentagon contractors, who created fake Facebook pages and Twitter accounts in an attempt to discredit them.

(In fact, a second amendment to the authorization bill — in reaction to the USA Today report — seeks cuts to the Pentagon’s propaganda budget overseas, while this amendment will make it easier for the propaganda to spread at home.)

I Waited On God To Plow My Field

I waited on God to plow my field, it still lays fallen.
I waited on God to sow the seeds, I got weeds.
I waited on God to fix my roof, it still leaks.
Then I remembered that God only helps those who help themselves.

The laborer is worthy of his hire for a honest day’s work
On the docks, in the fields, or clerking.
But what of the banker who lends,
Why is his effort of so much more value?

What is money but a chit, a chit with trust?
A dollar bill or a credit card a promise to pay
This for that, and if you lend me this now
I will pay you then and something to boot.

I need seeds for the fields, fuel for the plow,
I will pay your rate for I need it now
For if I wait there will be no crops to harvest,
Nothing to sell, and no money for living.

 God only helps those who help themselves not on the Bible,
But Aeschylus in his play The Persians wrote,
 "Whenever a man makes haste, God too hastens with him."
 Benjamin Franklin used it in his almanac in 1736,

And Sophocles wrote, "No good e'er comes of leisure purposeless; 
And heaven ne’er helps the men who will not act." way back when,
And who has not heard, "Trust in God, but keep your powder dry"?
Does this conflicts with the Bible's view of God's of grace?

Should you wait on God to plow your field?
Should you wait God to sow the seeds?
Should you wait on God to fix your roof?
Does God's grace say He will do these things?

What say you?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You Have Your Stories And I have Mine

Ah my brother
You have your stories and I have mine,
And all we have between now and then is time.
Time to tell a tell; time to live another and another.

Concern for today drifts away in the telling
Not so far as to leave the mind entire
But no longer the burning fire
As the story told set aside what was compelling

Until the mind finds it rest
And the cares of the day return
To turn the mind into a churn
Looking for the good enough, if not the best.

Tells of the child that once was, now long gone
Memories retold of how that was so
Stories of ghosts, and how cold the wind used to blow
And remember back when the days used to drag on and on?

Life lived, edited to stories line by line, word by word
You have your stories and I have mine,
And all we have between now and then is time.
Alas I feel most of the words I utter will go unheard.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Gun Control Means Giving Only Government The Right To Have Guns

Over and over again I have saw the liberal talking heads on TV
ridiculing the idea that any American has any need to have guns
to protect themselves from the government.

With that in mind I wish that you would watch the video below
and then ask yourself if this need may again reappear in the future,
or if such occurrences are all safely in the past?

Having watched this video I suggest that you read

The Dark Secret of Jim Crow and the Racist Roots of Gun Control


In the Tennessee 1871 case, Andrews v. State, the argument sounds a lot like the one being made by gun control advocates today:  “Andrews had been carrying a repeating pistol (what we would today call a large revolver). The legislature could not ban the carrying of this type of arm, which was particularly useful for militia service: ‘The pistol known as the repeater is a soldier’s weapon—skill in the use of which will add to the efficiency of the soldier. If such is the character of the weapon here designated, then the prohibition of the statute is too broad to be allowed to stand. …’”

The refrain, “No one needs an automatic firearm” echoing Tennessee’s banning “The pistol known as the repeater is a soldier’s weapon—skill in the use of which will add to the efficiency of the soldier.”, as does as the attack on the “so called” assault rifle.

“The Tennessee statute contradicted Andrews' affirmation of the right to buy any type of handgun in a store and carry it home. The law still allowed any model of handgun to be taken home, but the buyer would have to put the gun in a cart or wagon, rather than carry it. While the law allowed the carrying—for any purpose, and in public—of army model handguns, the requirement that the gun be carried “in his hands” was likely to provoke fear and almost certain to cause accidents. In effect, the law went as far as possible to outlaw all handgun possession while maintaining a pretense of honoring the right to bear arms.”

“Then in 1879, the legislature banned the sale of all handguns “except army or navy pistols.” The obvious effect was to prevent freedmen from owning handguns. Almost all were poor and could not afford the expensive Army and Navy models. Meanwhile, the ex-confederate soldiers already had plenty of Army and Navy models that they had been allowed to take home under the surrender terms for the Confederate army.”

The gun control pushers of today would leave guns in the hands of the police and those who can afford private police.  For the rest of us, black or white, they would leave us to our fate.  Or as they say, “when second count the police are only minutes away!”

The below link will take you to a PDF copy of “The Sun” August 8th, 1919, and in an article called “How War Jolted the Sullivan Law” (you can magnified and move the image around to read article)  it explains how the Sullivan Act was used to allowed the faverit to be armed, and to jail the undesirables.

"The Sullivan law not only made the possessor of firearms amenable to its punishment clause, but designated a stiff fine and a jail sentence for any person who sold such weapons to any one not possessed of a proper permit. Those citizens who possessed firearms were cautioned to report such ownership to Police Headquarters and, if Police Headquarters deemed it wisdom to allow the registrant to retain the pistol or revolver or whatever it chanced to be, the citizen were given a permit for which he paid a few dollars."

In this link to the “Richmond planet”, November 25, 1899, Page 4, 
there is an article (4th column from the left near the bottom) with the headline “AN OUTRAGUEOUS DECISION”   we read the following:

“The latest outrageous verdict comes from Friars Point, Miss., under date of Nov. 8, 1899, and says that in the case of W. H. Elder (white) manager of the local telephone exchange who was charged with the murder of Burt Ward (colored) the coroners jury returned a verdict that Ward committed suicide by reflecting upon a white man's character.

There was no denial that Elder literately and premeditatedly shot Ward.

If he had killed or maimed a horse he would have been fined at least $25 besides being required to pay the value of the animal.

We call attention to the fact that this murder was committed in Mississippi, which has disfranchised the Negro.

The Richmond, Va., Times has recently declared that such a remedy is "cure-all" for race troubles. We should like much to read its explanation of this crime, or stand convicted of advocating a policy which will do us much harm and the white man no good.

Colored men must protect themselves as there is no law now in the Southland to protect them.

We believe in owning firearms, and praying to God for the nerve to use them. This kind of "lamb-offering business" has no attraction for us.”

There can be no doubt that an unarmed man is treated differently than one who is armed.