Thursday, April 30, 2015

Baltimore Riots : To Support Or Condemn

Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem. English: I PREFER LIBERTY WITH DANGER TO PEACE WITH SLAVERY

Even this evil is productive of good. It prevents the degeneracy of government, and nourishes a general attention to the public affairs. I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical, unsuccessful rebellions indeed generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.” – Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, Paris, January 30, 1787

People are asking if they have legitimate grievances.

These people do have legitimate grievances, the sad thing is that they are blind to their real oppression. The War on Poverty has trapped them in poverty and given them a mindset of entitlement. Their oppressors are screaming for more money to be spent on poor neighborhoods across the country, but the past has proven that will not succeed, for spending money on job training will not employ anyone if all the jobs are overseas. Sending them all to college will not help because their government schools have not educated them well enough to succeed in spite of the city’s $15,483 per-pupil expenditure second highest in the nation.

Part of the real problem was touched upon when they highlighted the woman bitch slapping her son for being in among the rioters. It turns out that she is a single mother of six, I will lay odds that most of the men rioting were raised by single mother. The largess of the government has killed the black family, and in so doing the ability of many young men and women to learn to respect authority, women, and other humans outside of their tribe.
A love of learning cannot be instilled with a welfare check, nor can respect for the means in which other’s make a living that is why they can burn down all their neighbors livelihood without a qualm. The progressive have taken over the school systems, both K-12 and most of the collages and universities, and are working hard to take over the military, God help us if they ever do.

Should we not support them as Jefferson suggested? No, not in their current rebellion, the effort to get whites to pay repatriation for their ancestor having been slave is not supportable, to have the cops be kinder to them when they are arrested, yes, by all means, but for all, not just blacks. To give them more say in their government, they have that in Baltimore, black control the city. So then just what is this revolution that we are asked to support? If it is that we should all be treated equally I will join in, bit if it is to let some people be more equal that others then I will not only not support it, but will condemn it wholeheartedly.

Silly White Girl just doesn’t GET IT

Ahhh… I love to see a Liberal attempting to appear intelligent, enlightened and whatever else their ego tells them that they need to be and in the process they just end up showing the world how stupid they are. It happens every day but today we have something special. It was white people who first suggested that spanking children when they need it is a bad thing. White people invented “Time Out” for their children whose behavior they don’t know how to control. White people worked hard to ensure that legislation now exists that criminalizes the physical discipline of their children when it is required.
When I played Bass Guitar in a Black Gospel Band we often told “Momma don’t play” stories. It was as I was telling my first Momma don’t play story that I got looks of disbelief. The story was such that there was no way that I could be making it up. It was then that I was told that my Mother is black, regardless of what she looked like. The only thing I could say was “I thank God for that”.
The video that follows is hilarious. Silly white girl can’t wrap her head around our Matriarchal Heroine from Baltimore. Watch as the black men in this interview attempt to be respectful and not laugh in her face.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The reason ISIS and the Jihadist kill other Muslims as much they do non Muslims

From the Jihadist Files:
The reason ISIS and the Jihadist kill other Muslims as much if not more than they do non Muslims is because that believe that, ISIS, are the devout followers of Mohammed and contend that they are at war with takfiri, that is those who have sinned and are now apostate. What’s more, they have a rather expansive definition of who qualifies for that designation. “Muslim ‘apostates’ are the ones most commonly killed by the Jihadist, “Being a Shiite, as most Iraqi Arabs are, meets the apostate standard as well, because the Islamic State regards Shiism as innovation, and to innovate on the Koran is to deny its initial perfection… That means roughly 200 million Shia are marked for death by ISIS As well as all of Alawaite in Assad’s Syria.

Assad, by the way considered his government secular, he allowed Christians and other non Muslims unmolested and untaxed to live in Syria. thus giving ISIS another reason to want to kill him and all in his government as they contend theirs is a war against those who pervert Islam. If the government does not rule with Sharia it is perverting Islam.

Obama started this whole ball of wax rolling when he decided to get rid of Moammar Gadhafi in Libra, that turned out just great now hasn’t it? The stated propose was that he was oppressing his people, torching and killing them without cause other than being a cruel dictator. While the true motive was to stop him from creating a pan-Africa currency, a gold coin whose name I have forgotten, and only sell his oil for gold.

Had he been allowed to enact his plan the dollar would have lost its role as the world’s reserve currency, and have curtailed the Federal Reserve’s ability to sell its T-Bills around the world to support our government’s deficit, trillions of dollars, spending, so Gadhafi had to go. Hillary had a big hand it all of this, see Obama had sent Stevens to Libya to collect up the arms that the US had supplied the so-called rebels and transfer then to the so-called rebels in Syria. i.e., ISIS.

ISIS did not stick to scrip, and went rogue on them, they do not give a hoot about the pipeline that back in 2009: “Qatar seeks gas pipeline to Turkey” but that is why Qatar spent $billions in support of the so-called Syria Rebels because Assad would not let them build the pipeline through his country and cut the market for his allies Russia. That is when NATO tried to cut Russia off from its only deep water seaport in the Crimea, leading his to invasion and annexing of the port back into Russia.
All of these stories leading up to Obama bombing Libya left out this part:
On May 15, 2006, the U.S. State Department announced that it would restore full diplomatic relations with Libya, once Gaddafi declared he was abandoning Libya’s weapons of mass destruction program. The State Department also said that Libya would be removed from the list of nations supporting terrorism. On August 31, 2006, however, Gaddafi openly called upon his supporters to “kill enemies” who asked for political change.  Link
As well it complicates getting other “Rogue States” like Iran from giving up their nuclear ambitions.
The lesson is elementary. Eight years ago, Libya agreed to dismantle its infant nuclear program. More than five months ago, NATO began enforcing a no-fly zone in support of Libyan rebels. Would NATO have launched a bombing campaign against Libya if the unpredictable Mr. Qaddafi had possessed nuclear weapons? Link
Well, the reason was not the way he was treating his people, what was it? It was over Gadhafi dream, he was the last major global leader that was promoted the dream of pan-African unity, and his disappearance from the political stage would remove the last remaining enthusiast for a European-style political union in Africa. His plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars — demanding payment instead in gold-backed “dinars” (a single African currency made from gold) — was the real cause he had to go. For more details go read this:“Gadhafi’s Gold-money Plan Would Have Devastated Dollar”. Have you considered why the US Government is so opposed to disallowing oil to be sold for anything other than US dollars?  First a little history: