Tuesday, January 27, 2015

A response to “Clip: Ronald Reagan’s Racially Tinged Stump Speeches”

In a response to an article,”Clip: Ronald Reagan’s Racially Tinged Stump Speeches” I made the following comment: “Since 1984 the JEC has provided factual information about the impact of the tax cuts of the 1980s. For example, for many years the JEC has published IRS data on federal tax payments of the top 1 percent, top 5 percent, top 10 percent, and other taxpayers. These data show that after the high marginal tax rates of 1981 were cut, tax payments and the share of the tax burden borne by the top 1 percent climbed sharply. For example, in 1981 the top 1 percent paid 17.6 percent of all personal income taxes, but by 1988 their share had jumped to 27.5 percent, a 10 percentage point increase. The graph below illustrates changes in the tax burden during this period.” Giving this link to to the source of my information.
Lynn Kopa Balogh  responded:
Right their share of income increased and naturally would pay more income tax while good paying jobs for the middle decreased along with their share of income , thus less INCOME tax paid in. It was a redistrubutatig (sic) of the wealth from the middle class to the wealthy
To which I responded:
The reason their income went up was because of the job creating investments that they made, wealth does not create itself, it has to be created, jobs do not create themselves either, someone has to start a business by investing their own time and money, and that is what the cut in taxes did, released money for investments.
Surely you can understand that you incentive to work would be much greater if you got to keep 3/4 of what you earned instead of just 1/2 or less. Why should you risk your money if the government is going to take half or more if any profit you make make?
Then Steven Bell chimed in with the following , my response will be interspliced in bold”
Rexx, Do you have facts to back up what you are asserting? “… “Steven I gave the source of my assertion above, link, click on it to see the proof.” their income (should be incomes) went up because of the job creating investments that they made . . .” A tax cut raises take home income without a single job being created. “My argument was that the  Ronald Reagan’s tax cuts were food for the economy, and all this ‘Dog Whistling; was/is a red herring.” Mitt Romney “created” wealth for himself and his investors, not by creating jobs, but by buying out companies, cutting jobs as a part of “restructuring” and then selling company assets for a profit. “What Romney  was doing has a name, it is called ‘creative destruction‘ extracted from that link, ‘The opening up of new markets, foreign or domestic, and the organizational development from the craft shop to such concerns as U.S. Steel illustrate the same process of industrial mutation—if I may use that biological term—that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one. This process of Creative Destruction is the essential fact about capitalism. (p. 83)‘”
” . . . you (your) incentive to work would be much greater if you got to keep 3/4 of what you earned instead of just 1/2 . . .” Are you talking about yourself, are you talking about me, or are you talking about someone else that you know? “I am talking about everyone who has an opportunity to work or invest for a living, virtually everyone wants a fair wage for their effort.”  My decision to work has nothing to do with how much money I keep, as opposed to how much I pay in taxes. It has to do with whether I enjoy what I’m doing, whether I’m providing a service that is appreciated, and with what I’m capable of doing.  “This assertion may apply to you, but you neglected to bring up the opportunity cost of going to work on a days that would push you into a higher tax bracket bringing the pay for those days’ labor to a half or a third of the other days you have worked to the pleasure you would get staying home with the kids, going to a movies, cutting the grass, etc., the incentive for working for so much less decreases for the most of us.  That is why so many people on public assistance have a hard time leaving it, because the incentive to put out a lot more effort to gain so little for it is almost non existence.”
What government services would you like to abandon so that you presumably could keep more of the money you make? “I would limit government spending to the powers that the Constitution give them, that and no more.” Would you like to defund the Police Department, traffic lights, pothole repaving? Would you like to shut the schools down? “These are the arguments that progressives alway bring up, and none of theme are federal issues, they all belong to the states.” Cease food inspection through the Department of Agriculture? “I would end the ability of the DoA to subsidize farms, and overseas expenditures.” would you like to end our “war” on terrorism, bring all troops home and decommission the military services? “If it were in my power I would close most of the bases in Europe  that we have had there since WWII.  However National Defence is a Constitutional responsibility of the federal government.” We could save money by closing the Courts, and shutting down State and Federal legislatures.“These are all also Constitutional responsibility of the federal governments, both states and federal.” Oh yes, let’s not forget the Fire Department. Would you like the Fire Department to be all volunteer, and their equipment provided by rich benefactors who might decide to donate? “Again, none of these are federal issues, they are issues to be resolved on a state and local level, and beside the point of whether cutting the tax rate generates or decreases government government revenues.  My point was that the tax cuts led to a raise in both the rop percent of earners paid to the government’s, and the total amount of tax revenue taken in.”
The subject of this article was Reagan’s use of racial “dog whistles” to turn out white voters who resented their tax dollars being used to help people who needed Food Stamps, most of whom were and are white though he never provided that information. “This in my opinion, was totally without merit, just an unprovable assertion.  The most obvious rebuttal is that Reagan did not need the voter to pass his tax cuts, and had no need to talk in code to them.  He could not have passed the without the help of the Democrats, and they the racist being talked about?”
The last comment came from Lynn Kopa Balogh:
I don’t think you would notice if you made 10 million last year or 5 million, second of all they create no wealth, of all the wealth that was created was by finance on speculation, gains in productivity is by the workers not the easily replaced CEO’s
Lynn truly I believe that you have absolutely no idea of how a capitalist economy operates, but your ignorance gives me an opportunity to expound upon it. First a disclaimer, I am not a CEO, or a large stockholder in any corporation.  I am an engineer who earned an MBA.
Do you really think that you can take a machinist making $50-$250/ hr and put him in as a CEO of the company and the company make a profit? If the company does not make a profit the machinist loses his job.  Do you have any idea how CEOs get their Job, and keep them?
If it is a privately held company, like Chick-Fil-A, the owners decide who the CEO will be, and what his compensation will be which will depend upon how profitable the company is.  Ge will pick a salary for his workers that will isure a competent workforce.  The workers are at will, and leave if they do not like their compensation for their labor.
A publicly held company or corporation means that it has sold out its ownership to anyone willing to buy a share in its operation.  These people are called shareholders, and they hold yearly meeting to select a board, and appoint a chairman to that board.  Among other things like decide how much will be returned to the owners in the form dividends, they pick the CEO and set his compensation package. He, like all of the workers for the concern, is paid from the profits it generates through it operations.
In both cases it responsibilities are to its owners, not to its workers. The boards of the various firms bid up the price that a component CEO is worth on the open market for his employment just as the worth of a good football, basketball player and coaches, or movie stars like Johnny Depp, or TV personalities like Opera, who is the richest woman in the world, is decided.  It is striking to me why it is that your ilk never complain about how much people like this make, never compare their salary to the ticket payers take home.

Blizzard of 2015

From the Global Warming Hype Department:

Good morning to a cold, 28`, winter morn, it looks like New York City dodged the bullet, well the “Extreme Weather” blizzard of 2015 in any case, but the rest of those Yankees north of them are still getting buried in the white stuff. As predicted the Progressives are blaming this on Global Warming, last night, 1/16/15, on MSNBC’s The Ed Schultz Show Ed had as a guest a meteorologist, whose name escapes me, that was blaming the expected snow on the “unprecedented” heat in the ocean allowing the storm to draw more water for it to convert to snow to dump in this “Historic” storm.
He, the meteorologist, mention no studies or other proof that his claim was true, but when you are preaching to the choir you do not need proof. but I am not even in that congregation let along the choir, so I looked to see if his claim could be verified and found this chart of oceans temperature changes since 2003 that shows that the North Atlantic has only been warming at a rate of .007 degrees celsius per century. He, the meteorologist, syre did not let the truth get in the way of a good story about ham man is causing all of this “Extreme Weather” by dumping so much co2 in the atmosphere, which is truly a pitiful when compared to all the co2 put in the air by Mother Nature as this graph illustrates.


“Extreme Weather” a relatively new buzz word, this is the last year was when I notice it being in common use in the MSM to describe weather events, as I explained in this post,  Control the Language, Control the Debate.  The use of the term “Extreme Weather” is intended to invoke Global Warming in the mind of the hearer. Global Warming is used to imply man made global warming, all with the intent to grow acceptance  in the mind of the population that they must change the way they use energy, pay more taxes, reduces traveling, pay more taxes, use green energy, Pay more taxes to save the earth. It is brainwashing pure and simple in its simplest form.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Irrational Fears

Photo credit: Unknown


Great comparison, but it does not explain the discrepancy. Look to Hollywood for that and their “Jaws” like flicks. You can make the same comparison of irrational fear in regards to the number of children kill by guns as compared to other types of killings. I will just pick backyard swimming pools to compare, but the same comparison would work if I chose auto deaths as well.

Recent headline, “Up to 100 children a year die from accidental shootings, research shows” in that same year, roughly 5,000 children 14 and under go to the hospital because of accidental drowning-related incidents each year; 15% (750) die and about 20% (1,000) suffer from permanent neurological disability. The question is why do we fear so greatly about guns killing our children and so little about their swimming in our backyard? The answer? The MSM harps the gun danger, but never mentions the swimming deaths. That, my friends, is an example of propaganda working.

Now let us compare another irrational fear, that of being killed by a terrorist, statistics about lightning still show that they kill about 55 people a year, about 3 to 10 children and teens die from lightning strikes each year.

Sept. 11, 2001 in New York City, Arlington, Va., and Shanksville, Pa.: hijackers crashed 2 commercial jets into twin towers of World Trade Center; 2 more hijacked jets were crashed into the Pentagon and a field in rural Pa. Total dead and missing numbered 2,992. November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. April 15 2013 three people are killed in Boston.

Thus, in the last 14 years: Terrorist- 3,008. Lightning- 770. An almost 3 times greater risk of being killed by a terrorist than by lightning. 

However, if we only count the past 13 years the ratio changes to Terrorist-16. Lightning-715. Thus the odd are about 45 time more likely you will be killed by lightning than by a terrorist.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Kill 12 in Old Paree World Goes Ape Shit; 2,000 Christians Killed For The Same Reason In The Same Week And the World Is Quite

From the What Lives Matter Files:

Kill 12 in Old Paree and the world goes into conniptions, demonstrations worldwide, the new Charlie Hebdo edition sells out in Paris, and copies are selling for hundreds of dollars on eBay. Wow, 12 dead and the world goes ape shit! Now compare all this uproar to the fuss raised when the news was released two days ago, 1/12/2015, that Boko Haram’s ‘deadliest massacre’ where they reportedly butchers 2,000 Christians: ‘Killing went on and on’ in Nigeria.
“In August, Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau announced the establishment of his “Islamic Caliphate,” quickly taking over every corner of Borno State in northeast Nigeria. But one town called Baga, populated by thousands of Nigerians along the western shores of Lake Chad, held out. Anchored by a multinational military base manned by troops from Niger to Chad, it was the last place in Borno under the national government’s control. Over the weekend, that changed.
“Hundreds of bodies still litter the bushes of Baga, Nigeria — mostly women, children and elderly victims too slow to outrun Boko Haram fighters who stormed the town with explosives and assault rifles in recent weeks, in the Islamic extremists’ bloodiest massacre yet. Amnesty International called Boko Haram’s recent attacks in Baga — near the Nigeria-Chad border – possibly ‘the “deadliest massacre” in the history of the violent group. An Amnesty report suggests the town was razed and as many as 2,000 people have been killed.'”
What fuss, what uproar? None, none at all. Why is the death of 12 in Paris so much more important to the world’s News coverage than the 2,000 Christians who died for the same reason in Nigeria? Oh, they weren’t insulting cartoonist? Is that it?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Dueling Datasets: Is 2014 The Hottest Year On record Or Not?

Alright now I am confused, is was 2014 the hottest year on record or not?  The Japan Meteorological Agency boldly claims that it was.  JMA has announced that 2014 was the hottest year in more than 120 years of record-keeping — by far. NOAA is expected to make a similar call in a couple of weeks and so is NASA.  However, no such announcement has been forthcoming from NASA as atmospheric temperature measurements by satellites and confirmed by weather balloons (which are the only comprehensive global temperature measurements in existence), one of the two atmospheric temperature reporting entities,Remote Sensing Systems, reported that 2014 was not the hottest year ever (since 1978, when satellite measurements began), only the sixth warmest.
Atmospheric temperature measurements by satellite did not rank 2014 as a record year despite the fact that the global average surface temperature data are likely to show that 2014 was one of the warmest years – and possibly the warmest year – on record.
An analysis of US firm Remote Sensing Systems’ (RSS) satellite instrument data for the temperature of the lower troposphere shows that 2014 was the sixth warmest year on record.
This means that the so called pause in global warming has continued through 2014 on the basis of RSS data for atmospheric temperatures. Since 1979 the long term trend in RSS data shows an increase in global atmospheric temperatures of 0.12oC per decade although this has flattened in recent years.
The global average temperature anomaly, or variance to the long-term average, for the lower troposphere in 2014 was 0.26oC compared with an anomaly of 0.55oC for 1998, the warmest year in the RSS data series which stretches back to 1979.
This week, the other reporting entity, the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabamain Huntsville, reported that 2014 was the third warmest since 1979, barely edging out several other years such as 2002, 2005, and 2013.  Also see here at The New American “Climate Alarmists Deceive Again: 2014 Was Not Hottest on Record”
Satellite measurements of the temperature of the atmosphere rank 2014 as the third warmest year in the satellite record, according to the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH).
The global average temperature anomaly – that is, the variance to the long term average global temperature between 1981 and 2010 – for the layer of the atmosphere from the surface up to around 8km in altitude known as the lower troposphere during 2014 was 0.27oC, according to UAH data.
This was just 0.01oC warmer than 2005 and just a few hundredths of a degree warmer than 2013 and 2002 – such small differences as to make the 2014 result statistically indistinguishable from these other years. This suggests that the so called pause or hiatus in global warming continued through 2014, at least in the satellite record.
The UAH analysis shows that the global temperature trend from 2002 through 2014 was a warming at the rate of +0.05oC per decade which is statistically insignificant. However, it is also the case that global temperatures have remained elevated throughout this period and that these years have averaged some 0.18oC above the baseline provided by the 30-year long term average and contain nine of the 10 warmest years – the warmest of all being 1998.
Contrary to forecasts by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Fourth Assessment Report (AR-4) in 2007, it has been over 18 years since there has been any statistically significant increase in global temperatures, even though, according to NOAA, carbon dioxide CO2 concentrations have increased 8.4% since 1999, from 368.04 parts per million (ppm) to 398.78 ppm (this past December’s number). Very plainly adding CO2 to the atmosphere is not causing temperature change as claimed. Further, the plateau in temperatures shows that global climate models cannot be used for reliable prediction.
The UN weather agency says the global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide hit an all-time high in 2013. The World Meteorological Organization released on Tuesday the results of last year’s research on levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The WMO’s assessment is based on data from weather authorities and research institutes from around the world.  The report says the average volume of CO2 in the atmosphere hit a record high of 396 parts per million last year. The figure rose by 2.9 parts per million from 2012. It’s the largest annual increase since monitoring began in 1984. The report says the concentration of nitrous oxide was 325.9 parts per billion and the volume of methane reached 1,824 parts per billion. Both are new record highs. WMO officials say emissions of heat-trapping gases need to be cut by 80 percent, to keep the rise of temperatures within one degree Celsius until 2100. They also warn that CO2 will keep dissolving into the oceans, making them more acidic. They say if this trend continues, it would affect marine ecology. UN: CO2 levels RECORD HIGH
NOAA NCDC was released today, here it is:
In 2014, the contiguous United States (CONUS) average temperature was 52.6°F, 0.5°F above the 20th century average, and tied with 1977 as the 34th warmest year in the 120-year period of record. 2014 was slightly warmer than 2013 for the CONUS when the annual average temperature was 52.4°F. This marks the 18th consecutive year with an annual average temperature above the 20th century average for the CONUS. The last year with a below-average CONUS temperature was 1996. Since 1895, when national temperature records began, the CONUS has observed an average temperature increase of 0.13°F per decade.Precipitation averaged across the CONUS in 2014 was 30.76 inches, 0.82 inch above the 20th century average. This was the 40th wettest year on record for the CONUS. Over the 120-year period of record, precipitation across the CONUS has increased at an average rate of 0.14 inch per decade. 
The CONUS had its 33rd coolest winter on record, with much of the country east of the Rockies being cooler than average, mainly due to several Arctic cold-air outbreaks. Many states had their coldest winter since the 1970s. Seven states were top 10 cold, but no state was record cold. The cold winter in the Midwest resulted in the second largest Great Lakes ice cover in the 1973-2014 record. The western U.S. was warm during winter. Arizona had its fourth warmest winter, while California was record warm. The winter was dry for the CONUS, with a precipitation total 0.97 inch below average, the 17th driest on record. Below-average precipitation was observed in the West and Southern Plains where three states had a top 10 dry winter. The dry winter exacerbated drought conditions in California, where winter is the wet season, as well as in the Southwest and Southern Plains. The winter snow cover extent was the 10th largest on record.
Wht is only Japan’s Meteorological Agency the only one making the claim “It’s Official: 2014 Was the Hottest Year Ever Measured on Earth”?  Could thishave anything to do with it?
In June 1996, the Japan Council for Sustainable Development was established. The Council, consisting of representatives from the government, industry and NGOs, aims at facilitating dialogue among the members concerning the issues of sustainable development. As an advisory body to the Government, it is mandated to follow up on the progress of measures taken under the Plan every year. The Council undertook the first review in June 1996, and identified areas which require further improvement. In the area of global warming, it called for further effective measures to meet the targets set. In the field of waste management and recycling, activities of the line ministries and other entities should be effectively linked with a socio-economic system. And, concerning nature conservation, comprehensive and programmatic measures are necessary taking also into account endowments of the nearby natural environment.
In my opinion the UN, and its Green Supporters, created the Global Warming Hoax to force the world tom accept Agenda 21 from which the idea of Sustainable Development is spelled out.  Global Warming is a Trojan Horse  being used by those who are working to impose a one world government on the world.
“Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level.” 
- excerpt, UN Agenda 21  Read more at The Green Agenda:

Pope Says Concern for Poor Is Gospel, Not Communism

Headlines this morning:

I have to agree with him on the first, concern is not Communism, nor is asking the people to give with a free, generous heart Communism. But when you use the force of government, like the second headline implies, to take from those who have to give to those who have not is a close kin of Communism.
Now to step off on a tangent. There are three major economic systems at play in the world today: Communism, Fascism, and Capitalism. The Solstice system are a mix of Communism and Capitalism, and is referred to as a mixed economy.

In a Communist system manufacturing, labor, and distribution. wealth creation and dispersal, is owned by the government. The government decides what is to be produced, who will produce it, and who will get it.
In a Fascist system individuals are allowed to own the means of production, but the government dictates what will be produced, the price at which it must be sold, and where it can be sold. The US economy has been creeping into a Fascist system for a long time now.

In a Capitalistic system individuals own the means of productions, set the price of what is produce using market forces, and decide the means of distribution via retail or direct marketing. The market, not government, dictates what will be produced, where it will be sold, and at what price. The Capitalistic system has raised more people out of poverty than any other economic system that has be devised by man.

Capitalism can be perverted into what is know as “Crony Capitalism” which is where certain industries get into bed with the government to rig the rules in their favor. Three example come to mind today, and that is the Solar, Wind and Ethanol industries none of whom could exist at their current scale without government force.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Muslims kill 12 in Paris Over Their Portrayal of The Prophet Mohammed

Hideout Log: Date 1/7/2015: Time 07:11 EST

Eleven people have been shot dead at the headquarters of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, say police. Two masked gunmen are reported to have stormed the offices of the controversial publication, which has previously been attacked over its portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed.

Watch for the MSM to cut conniption trying to hold harmless the vast majority of Muslims and place the blame, not on the teaching of Islam, but on just a few radicals who do not represent the peace of Islam. They are full of shit, the only good Muslim is apostate.
This video, about 45 minutes, shows Islam’s history and expounds upon a number of FACTS that you may not see anywhere else. It explains why we may be afraid to see Islam for what it is based on its own doctrine and practice. Please take the time it takes to watch it.

The Islamic world is divided into the House of Islam and the House of War, the Dar al-Islam and the Dar al-harb. The Dar al-Islam is all those lands in which a Muslim government rules and the Holy Law of Islam prevails. Non-Muslims may live there on Muslim sufferance. The outside world, which has not yet been subjugated, is called the "House of War," and strictly speaking a perpetual state of jihad, of holy war, is imposed by the law. The law also provided that the jihad might be interrupted by truces as and when appropriate. In fact, the periods of peace and war were not vastly different from those which existed between the Christian states of Europe for most of European history. 

The law thus divides unbelievers theologically into those who have a book and profess what Islam recognizes as a divine religion and those who do not; politically into dhimmis, those who have accepted the supremacy of the Muslim state and the primacy of the Muslims, and harbis, the denizens of the Dar al-harb, the House of War, who remain outside the Islamic frontier, and with whom therefore there is in principle, a canonically obligatory perpetual state of war until the whole world is either converted or subjugated.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Sun Is The Driver Man’s CO2 Is A Non Issue Says A Non Climate Scientistlarmist

From the Global Warming Hoax Department:
The Internet is the final stage of democracy, because it took information out of the hands of a few and into the hands of everybody. The American Meteorological Society argued for their retention of control of information and thereby the debate.

“What is important scientific information and how it is interpreted in the policy debates is an important part of our jobs.” “That is, after all, the very reasons for the mix of science and policy in the IPCC.” John Daly correctly called this “Scientism”.

Let me set one thing straight, the hoax I am referring to when I say, “From the Global Warming Hoax Department” is the hoax of blaming the world’s warming on man’s co2, not the fact that the world has warmed since the last Ice Age. I personally believe that the warming is over, and we are moving into a cooling people, I just hope that it does not cool on down into another Ice Age. Instead of co2 being the driver of the warming I believe it to be the sun that causes out periods of warming and cooling. I also believe that this “forcing”, to put in alarmists’ jargon, is related to the sunspots or lack thereof.

I make no claims of being a climate scientist, but am of average intelligence, if not above, and do have the ability to understand concepts, arguments, and statics, gained in acquiring two undergraduate degree, one in Electron Engineering and the other in Computer Information Systems, as well as an MBA. I am making no appeal to authority here, just giving argument to back up my assertion at the beginning of this paragraph. While no climate scientist I have followed the arguments both pro and con for at least the last 15 years.

The conclusion I have came to is that the world’s governments have joined in on the hoax being perpetrated by the UN’s IPCC to use as a whip to force the people into compliance with UN Agenda 21. The term “Conspiratorial Theorist ” is used to ridicule people who come to this conclusion to mitigate the damage they can do by spreading their opinions. Before the Internet this was easily done, no one would print their ideas, but the Internet has changed that, and people like me can self publish both on social media and on personal blogs. The Internet allows anyone and everyone the ability to research an issue, read the papers and studies at their leisure for little expense. Why do you think that the government is so hell bent on regulating the Web? Why countries like Iran and China limit both the source they can reach and what they in turn can say without arrest?

If they lose the control of information they lose control of the agenda, just like the Global Warming Hoaxers have lost control of the information and thus control of the debate, They resort to name calling, Denialist, Conspiratorial Theorist,

Here is a classic example of the Alarmists' attempt to control information from a leaked email from February 2, 2005.
Mike (Mann), I presume congratulations are in order – so congrats etc !

Just sent loads of station data to Scott. Make sure he documents everything better this time ! And don’t leave stuff lying around on ftp sites – you never know who is trawling them. The two MMs have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone. Does your similar act in the US force you to respond to enquiries within 20 days? – our does ! The UK works on precedents, so the first request will test it. We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind. Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it – thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that. IPR should be relevant here, but I can see me getting into an argument with someone at UEA who’ll say we must adhere to it !
Here is a link to the sunspot data: