Friday, August 7, 2015

Fish May Be Evolving To Swim Faster- Not!

As much as the evolutionist might wish for you to believe, this is not an example of evolution:
“Fish may be evolving to swim faster to escape capture by fishing nets from trawlers, according to research. A study by the University of Glasgow has shown that fast­swimming fish are less likely to be trapped by fishing nets and that over time this could lead to physiological changes in fish populations. The university group simulated trawling with schools of wild minnows to determine whether some individual fish were consistently more susceptible to capture, and measured the swimming ability, metabolic rate and indicators of aerobic and anaerobic physical fitness of 43 fish.”   Faster fish may be evolving to give trawler nets the slip
It is, of course, an example of natural selection, but not of evolution.  The slower fish are removed from the gene pool leaving the faster fish to breed and produce offspring, and if that characteristic is passed on it will result in faster fish in the sea.

But how does that differ from a dog breeder picking dogs for speed to breed resulting in the greyhound?  Both the faster fish and faster dog are the results of the intervention of humans, and neither have lead to a new species!
And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:25

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Truth As Well As Facts Are Open To Interpretation

A Facebook meme:
A Facebook meme:

The problems is that truth, like facts, are subject to interpretation, and are interpreted by one’s perception. No two people can perceive the same thing in the same way. Parallax, which is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines, exist not only in vision but in experienced, no one can experience what another does, even if each of them are standing side by side at the same event.

A person’s past experiences shape how they will interpret current events and information. Whenever you try to change another’s perspective you have to engage in a philosophical debate, whether you call it that or not,  a person perspective may or may not conform to reality, and it may overlap reality with some, or many, misconceptions.

As Nietzsche said, “There are no facts, only interpretations”, a man who eschewed absolutes but went on to claim as a fact that God was dead. Like him many states as facts that are only interpretations.

Some people are so sure that thy see the truth as it really is that they cannot be reasons with, the word for this is ‘bigot’, that is a person with a closed mind in certain subjects. As far as being a Christian is concerned I am a bigot, my faith is not open to debate, I will not consider any argument to dissuade me from it.

Most socialist and communist, whom I lump together under the term Progressives, are as bigoted as I am about my belief in Christ, on the way they see that the collective concerns should take priority over the individual. With them, there can be no meeting of the minds with people, like me, who believe that the individual and his freedom to determine his own way free of government intervention. The only solution they are willing to accept is government control over every aspect of the individual’s life.