Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sandy Hook, I Just Want To Know

This first video shows the Department of Homeland Securities
procedure for conducting a school shooting simulation/drill:

The next video compares the Sandy Hook shooting

with the procedure outline above:

there is so much information about it, it is hard to believe that it happened as stated by the officials. Please watch the video in it's entirety and make your own conclusion.

What happened to the "Black Sweat Shirts"? Why didn't the woman hear anything prior to? And many other unanswered questions.....

Dr. Oz Interview of Sandy Hook Elementary student. The host discloses that the kids told him beforehand what they wanted him to ask, in order to avoid traumatic questioning and - I would surmise - would permit the kids to be thoroughly prepared and confident of their answer. At the :39 mark he says they were having a DRILL, then he is interrupted by the good doctor. You be the judge.

At first

ABC, CBS, NBC Admit No Assault Rifle Used at Sandy Hook

Here are news reports from ABC, NBC and CBS stating that Adam Lanza had left the Bushmaster rifle in the car. One report even states that only the two pistols were found by Lanza's side. How could ALL of these initial reports have been wrong?

Lt. J. Paul Vance, the face of an ongoing Connecticut State Police investigation into worst grade school shooting in U.S. history, on Thursday debunked media and Internet reports that Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza killed his victims with handguns and not the Bushmaster XM-15 rifle that is now the focus of a proposed federal assault weapons ban.

Now it is claimed that all 26 of Lanza's victims were shot with the .223 caliber semi-automatic rifle, said Vance, who bristled at claims to the contrary during an interview with Hearst Connecticut Newspapers.

"It's all these conspiracy theorists that are trying to mucky up the waters," said Vance, the state police spokesman.

Why Lt. Vance would blame conspiracy theorists for muddying up the waters when NBC released the reports below stating that ONLY handguns were brought into the school according to their sources within the federal and state governments. Additionally, the second video below shows 2 (TWO) long guns being removed from Adam Lanza's car. Pay close attention to the 2 minute 28 second mark. Are there not 2 guns pulled out of the trunk?

Here is Max Igan with a possible explanation:

I do not know how or why Sandy Hook happens. but I do
know that there are a lot of things left unexplained.

The video below covers all the inconsistencies that have been reported:

Sandy Hook - All Four Doors on the Civic were Open

Example of an elementary school evacuation held on January 7th 2013 in Glendale CA.. This reporter believes that this is what we should have seen at Sandy Hook.

While there are indeed a multitude of other conspiracies involved with the Sandy Hook shooting, the Parker family photo of the younger Parker Family photo raises serious questions that should not be ignored by fellow conspiracy investigators.

Until all of this is explained I will be unsatisfied with any rendition
of the story.


new school :

Expressing Mother Hood (laura phelps) :

Laura Phelps Play (viewer discretion is advised, horrible acting)

Sites up before shooting :

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