Sunday, March 31, 2013

Mind Control MK Ultra.

CIA Mind Control Secrets MK Ultra Brainwashing Interview - Dr. Colin Ross control experiments called MK Ultra. These were a series of projects covertly used on the American public, which included hypnosis, LSD & other drugs, brain implants, electric shock and other pieces of psychology and psychiatry in an attempt to control people and even make Manchurian Candidate style assassins.

Visit Dr. Ross' website at; Corrina Rachel

Psychiatry News Correspondent interviews psychiatrists Dr. Colin Ross about Che CIA mind control.

Please, parents, rescue your children from the prisons called "public school." Your little ones are being led away in cuffs for actions that, when we were children, may have earned us a scolding at best. 

The "system" is designed to enslave us. In this part of the 322, Tetrads and the Time of Jacob's Trouble.  Watch this to the end to see how the TV people can create out of thin air what they want to tell us and for us to believe.  It starts at the 10:32 mark. 

 We KNOW FOR A FACTthat the CIA has had the 'technology' to program MKUltra assassins since AT LEAST 1954; don't believe it?  Check out the document below! 

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