Thursday, July 25, 2013

Speaking of Heat

Speaking of heat, I was reading here a while back that the the Warming Alarmist are saying that the increasing heat caused by CO2 has not abated rather, they say, it has been moving down deeper in the oceans. Well they had to come up with something to explain why all of their computer models have a one to one correlation with the projected rise in heat to the rise in the amount of CO2 in the air. Well, as you know, this correlation stopped some years ago, the CO2 has continued to grow just as fast as before but the heat climbing has stopped. Somehow they say the heat is stored down deep and will come back to make us just as hot as they have been saying along. The Long Pause just got three months longer. Last month, the RSS monthly global mean lower-troposphere temperature anomalies showed no global warming for exactly 204 months – the first dataset to show the full 17 years without warming specified by Santer as demonstrating that the models are in fundamental error.  Link

Putting aside the fact that the warming is caused by natural cycles that has nothing to do with the CO2 that we are putting in the air, let me explain just what heat it. At absolute zero there is no heat because all molecules' movement has ceased. How as molecules start to move the heat starts to rise regardless of the cause of that motion. Now imagine a large pot of water with a heat element not under the pot but just on the surface, and a rheostat to control the heat put into the water, remember the earth's surface is over 70% water.

When you run a current through an element, or when sunshine lands upon matter, its molecules get aggregated and starts to move faster, that is it starts to get hot. The water molecules near the element get excited by the element's (the sun) and starts to move faster too. The water at the bottom of the pot is not affected by the movement of the molecules because as the moving molecules at the surface bump up against the slower molecules beneath them and are slowed down so at a given level of excitation at the surface of the pot will only increase the water's heat (temperature) so deep into the pot before the molecular movement is buffered to the same level as the water deeper in the pot. The heat is not stored in a such a manner that it can be retrieved for later use entropy sees to that, heat is kinetic energy (heat is kinetic in that it is motion that generates it), and once the movement that causes it stops it cannot be restored without a further energy source, that is why the temperature drops at night unless a front of warm air move in.  You can observe the effect of slow moving molecules (cold) slowing down fast moving molecules (hot) every time you put ice into your drink to cool it down.  

With kinetic energy the faster the movement the greater the heat, this is why rubbing your hands together on a cold day warms them up and why when you stop rubbing the warming stops too. The air is full of slow moving molecules that slow down the molecules in your hands making them feel cold, you can expend the energy rubbing your hands and warm them as long as you keep rubbing, but you cannot keep this heat in your hand when you stop the rubbing (unless you put your gloves back on) for slower moving molecules in the air will slow the faster moving molecules in your hands as the faster ones collide with the slower ones, just like the moving molecules at the bottom of the pot will slow the faster moving molecules at the surface of the pot (oceans).

So then what happens if the energy source at the surface is increased by whatever means? The point at which the colder water deep in the pot goes a little deeper in the pot, but the water at the bottom of the pot is still unaffected. Heat put into the oceans' deep can never come back up to warm the earth above unless somehow the ocean deep water is made to be hotter that the surface of the earth.  The only way the excess heat, if it exists, caused by the increase of co2 and captured in the ocean's heat sink could grow to the level of affection the surface temperature would be for the ocean's depths to get as warm as the surface and not allow any  dampening of the faster moving molecules at the surface.

I know that holding two Bachelor and a Master of Science Degrees does not make me a scientist, but it has given me the education to understand what they are trying to tell me, and the ability to analyze the logic they are using and to compare it to the real world.  Now let us return to the model I described at the beginning of the essay, a large pot of water with a heat element not under the pot but just on the surface, and a rheostat to control the heat inputed into the water.  If the current in the element is increased, the heat on the water's surface will also increase  and lowered the point in the pot at which the cold at the bottom of the pot stops the water from getting any warmer. When you are cooking you know that if you put a lid on the pot that the water will get hot faster, but unless you turn the heat high enough it still will not boil water.  The alarmist as claiming that co2 is acting like a lid on the pot causing the world to get worming, and just as some lids have vent to allow the heat to escape the pot, and our increasing the amount of co2 in the air is shutting off the vent that allows the earth to shed its excess heat into space.

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