Tuesday, April 30, 2013

“This to shall pass”

So many things go to prove the proverb, “This too shall pass”. No matter how bad, or good for that matter, your current situation will change into another situation. Happiness morphs into sadness, and saddens back into happiness. What once seemed important become trivial and what at one time seemed nothing at all becomes everything.

Nothing has an importance that you did not give it, nothing has the power to make you sad unless you give it that power, and when you give something outside of yourself to make you happy you are bound to another trip into sadness for it is our realization of our expectation that brings forth the happiness we derive from that which is outside of ourselves, and it is a failure of that to live up to our expectation that bring on our sadness.

The wise person learns to be in the world but not of the world taking both the realization and failures of expectation in stride know that it, no matter what it is, will pass.

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