Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Punch

I just read in the CBS Los Vegas that a Salvation Army bell ringer claim she was assaulted by a woman for saying “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” outside of a Phoenix-area Walmart. "She came up to me and said, ‘Do you believe in God?’ And she says, ‘You’re supposed to say Merry Christmas,’ and that’s when she hit me.” There are two possibilities here: 1- She is fabricating the whole thing for whatever reason. 2- She is telling the truth.

"The surveillance video didn’t have enough evidence for Phoenix police to arrest the woman accused in the assault. However, Vindiola said she plans to take legal action." That could be the motive for the lie, "legal action". Vindiola saw a likely looking mark and is trying to set her up, hoping for a settlement instead of going through the court process. It is a she said, she said situation in which only the two of them know the truth of.

But is she is telling the truth the poor woman who hit her for not saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays,” is not a Christian even though she may believe herself to be. If she in fact rose to violence over such a trivial matter she needs to do some deep soul searching. I can understand the irritation of having an agent of a Christian organization like the Salvation Army saying Happy Holidays as they beg for Christmas money from Christmas shoppers, but the correct response would be a resounding Merry Christmas not a punch to the arm.

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