In response to Sean Wilentz a professor of history at Princeton who wrote this opinion about our President:
“No, There Is No Precedent for Donald Trump”
In it he says, “Coming to terms with this requires, in part, finally admitting to ourselves that, although the constitutional trappings were respected, the events of 2016 resembled a foreign-abetted coup d’état more than they did an American presidential election.” and I respond:
I am a Trump supporter, the Russian did not influence my vote as I was a supporter from the day he came down the escalators. I believe that Trump would do all the things he said he would do, and he is. He dumped the Paris Accord like he said he would. He dropped us out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership like he said he would. He is renegotiating NAFTA like he said he would. He is ending the war on Christianity like he said he would. He is ending Obama Care like he said he would. He is making NATO members pick up the cost of there membership like he said he would. He is taking the EPA out of the ditch in my backyard like he said he would. He let the Keystone Pipeline be built like he said he would. He ended the war on coal like he said he would. He opened federal lands to fracking like he said he would. He is appointing they type of judges he said he would. He is cutting back federal regulation like he said he would. He is going to reform our immigration system like he said he would. He has changed the vetting procedures for immigrating and refuge-seekers like he said he would.
These are just to mention a few of him doing what he said he would do. You are right “Trump represents a sharp break in our national political history” he is actually doing all the things he said that he would do when he ran for office. The wall will be built, and as much at the Progressive hate him he will win another term. And if you think that the Democrats will be picking up seats in the midterm election, you are wrong, Trump supporter will be out RINO hunting in the primary, and put people in who will support the Trump agenda, which is our agenda.
Who am I, I am nobody, I am the forgotten man, the man that Trump speaks for like no other politician in the 75 years I have been on this earth. And if you think that Trump is just willing the hearts and minds of old codgers like me you are wrong. I may be old, but I am not a fuddy-duddy, nor am I uneducated like so many Progressives like to paint Trump supporters. I hold two undergraduates degrees and an MBA. I have been reading history for many a long years, and it appears to me that you have let your biases direct your opinion about Trump. When you say, “Never before has an American Administration lied as continuously and as brazenly as Trump and his minions have, not simply as self-protection but as calculated insults to reason, gaslighting not just the nation but the entire world.” you are painting me as a minion because of my steadfast support of Trump.
Gaslighting, interesting misuse of the meaning of the expression which came from the movie “Gaslight” an American 1944 mystery-thriller film, adapted from Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 play Gas Light, about a woman whose husband slowly manipulates her into believing that she is going insane.
Wikipedia says, “Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the target and delegitimize the target’s belief.” If there is any Gaslighting going on here it is coming from the likes of you and your fellow travelers who completely supported Obama’s drastic moves to fundamentally change America into European style Socialist style of government, which Trump is completely, or as complete as he can, dismantle.
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