Sunday, October 15, 2017

No, You’re wrong about Second Amendment rights I’m not

Mr. Gene Yoon wrote in that “You’re wrong about Second Amendment rights” in it, among other things he said, “The problem is that the disparity of destructive power between the weaponry of the government and the weaponry that people can own has become too great. Even if all citizens were armed with fully automatic assault rifles, this arsenal would pale in comparison to the firepower available to state and local police forces, never mind the world-ending power of the national armed forces. Private gun ownership might be a problem in many ways, but it is not at all a problem for the government’s power over the people.” Of course, he does not see the Second Amendment in the same light as I do so I asked “Does not the American’s fight in Vietnam and the Russian’s in Afghanistan point to the fallaciousness of this argument?

He goes on to say “So ‘a little rebellion’ based on guns is a laughably ineffective tool in today’s society. Government power is no longer truly threatened by private gun ownership, and hasn’t been for about a century.”

It was not the guns that the Vet Cong carried into battle that defeated my beloved Corps, it was the press you alluded to in your opening analogy that led us to abandon the South Vietnamese and giving Cambodia to Pol Pot, do you think that the Federal government could wage a war against its citizens, like Lincoln did in his total war, and escape the power of the pin? There are oath keepers that would not fire upon fellow citizens, not drop bombs upon them.
Also you neglect all of the weapons stored in National Guard building and compounds all over America, Texas’ National Guard alone would count as the wold fifth largest army I have read, how had would it be for a few armed citizens to take over a National Guard depot and use those arms in an armed rebellion? There are many of us Veterans spread out all across the land that knows how to use those weapons and are able to teach others.

I pray that it never comes to it, but the inability of the government to take our arms gives us the power to fight back should the government actions become so egregious that a rebellion was called for. If you think that we would be content to fight a tank with a rifle when we can steal a M72 LAW and MANPATS you are living in a world that never trained to fight with what you have to get more. I assure you Americans can make Improvise Explosive Devices as well as the Afghans.

Open your eyes to see just how important the 2nd Amendment is for the threat of an armed rebellion to keep our government in the bounds of the Constitution. When you light a fuse, it is not the fuse that explodes, but what it sets off.

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