Friday, July 25, 2014

You Want Russia To Be Sanction?

So    for supporting the Russian Separatist in Ukraine do you? Well if they do, and the West reaches a point where the EU has to completely cut trade with Russia, oil prices could soar above $200 per barrel, sparking a global economic crisis, says Adam Slater, senior economist at Oxford Economics.

Russia has already has already taken steps with the formation of trade ties with China and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India and China) should cushion it well from from any consequences of US policies. The EU buys 84 percent of Russian oil exports, and 76 percent of natural gas exports. About a quarter of European countries completely rely on Russia for gas or oil supplies. As of yet, Russia hasn't halted European gas supplied through politically unstable Ukraine, but this event itself could trigger "stage three", or trade-specific sanctions. I do not see them getting very far on that sanction Russia bandwagon.  

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