Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So You Believe Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day? Fooled again!

Now I want to tell you why you believe, along with so many others, why breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  In the 1920s, the Austrian-born Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, was approached by the Beech-Nut Packing Company – producers of everything from pork products to the nostalgic Beech-Nut bubble gum. Beech-Nut wanted to increase consumer demand for bacon.

He turned to his agency’s, the Public Relations Counselor, internal doctor and asked him whether a heavier breakfast might be more beneficial for the American public. Knowing which way his bread was buttered, the doctor confirmed Bernays suspicion and wrote to five thousand of his doctors friends asking them to confirm it as well. This ‘so called study’ of doctors encouraging the American public to eat a heavier breakfast – namely ‘Bacon and Eggs’ – was published in major newspapers and magazines of the time to great success. Beech-Nut’s profits rose sharply thanks to Bernays and his team of medical professionals.

Bernays was quite good at using psychology, brain washing, to get people to buy a product or an idea. He was hired by the Aluminum Company of America to use the American Dental Association to convince people that water flouridation was safe and healthy to the public. This allowed them to sell a very toxic by product that was costing them a lot to dispose of and have the cities of the nation dump it for them and pay for the privilege.   

He also ran the campaign for Dixie Cups and scared people into thinking the glasses they were drinking out of were unsanitary, and should be replaced by disposable cups. He was also hired by President Coolidge to help run his re-election campaign in 1924, and had Coolidge invite the country’s leading vaudevillians to the White House for a meet-and-greet over pancakes. It might have been the first known political pancake breakfasts that are now so popular among presidents and council members alike.

In this video Edward L. Bernays describes his work with the Beech Nut Packing Company and the how bacon and eggs became America's favorite breakfast:


Update: 1/8/2015
From 9 Of The Most Common Nutrition Myths Ever Told:
There is new evidence to suggest that intermittent fasting has some major health benefits. By skipping breakfast and not eating until around 11am, you’re giving your body an extended break from eating, which has been shown to be as effective as calorie restriction in fat loss.
Fasting has also been shown to increase human growth hormone secretion by up to 1200 percent for women and 2000 percent for men.

Other benefits include reducing inflammation, reducing insulin resistance, improving blood pressure, and increased lean body mass. Intermittent fasting can also improve your brain function by increasing levels of BDNF, a protein that protects your brain cells from the changes associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

“This to shall pass”

So many things go to prove the proverb, “This too shall pass”. No matter how bad, or good for that matter, your current situation will change into another situation. Happiness morphs into sadness, and saddens back into happiness. What once seemed important become trivial and what at one time seemed nothing at all becomes everything.

Nothing has an importance that you did not give it, nothing has the power to make you sad unless you give it that power, and when you give something outside of yourself to make you happy you are bound to another trip into sadness for it is our realization of our expectation that brings forth the happiness we derive from that which is outside of ourselves, and it is a failure of that to live up to our expectation that bring on our sadness.

The wise person learns to be in the world but not of the world taking both the realization and failures of expectation in stride know that it, no matter what it is, will pass.

Of all the billions

I am well aware of some of my limitations,
They are the ones I have bumped into time and time again.
Others, I am sure, just await my reaching them.
Some of my strengths I also know
I can figure things out.
Oh not everything
But enough.
I can work on the old cars,
But not the new.
I can change a tire,
But would rather not.
I am a good rough cut carpenter,
But not a finished one.
I can ride a horse,
But never make it 8 seconds on a bull.
If the toilet breaks
I can fix it,
But if the well goes out
I call for help.
I can hook up a new TV
But when it goes awry
I need a repairman.
But of all my years on earth
It understanding women
Where I am at my worst.
You think they will,
And they want.
You think they want,
And they do.
And seldom is the one you like
Is the one who likes you.
A lifetime of looking
Has just left me looking.
I have most of my teeth,
A lot of my hair,
And no beer gut.
Alas, I am at a loss,
I just what to have
And to hold
One who wants
To have and hold
Time and time again
I am told by women
 I know
(Already in a relation)
That they just can’t
Why I am alone.
To particular I reckon,
Either me
Or the women
I am attracted to.
There has to be one
Of all the billions
That is my match
And still not matched up.
I’ve had my eye on one,
For some time now.
I hope that it is
More than a maybe
Not just a possibility.
With two wives behind me
I do not want
Strike three.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Woman Priests in the Catholic Church?

I read this morning, 4.28/13, that a 70-year-old Kentucky woman, Rosemarie Smead, was ordained a priest on Saturday as part of a dissident group operating outside of official Roman Catholic Church authority. She said she is not worried about being excommunicated from the Church - the fate of other women ordained outside of Vatican law. "It has no sting for me It is a Medieval bullying stick the bishops used to keep control over people and to keep the voices of women silent. I am way beyond letting octogenarian men tell us how to live our lives."

Not being Catholic I really don't have a fish in this pond but that does not precluded me from having opinions about how this fits in with the human condition. To start with these 'old men' do not tell anyone how to live their lives. These old men believe that this is not a decision of men, but of God. God decided that women bring men into the world. Jesus sent men to evangelize. There were women with Jesus as well. The Gospel mentions a few of them: firstly, Mary, the mother of Jesus; Mary Magdalene, His disciple and one of the first witnesses to the resurrection; Mary and Martha, the sisters who offered him hospitality in Bethany. The Priests of the Catholic Church believe that they received of Jesus their own ministry. Mary is the most perfect creature, she brought forth Jesus and gave Him His human nature. They believe that salvation is born from her, yet she was not ordained. The hold that women have other ministries in the Church, but not the priesthood, because of the will of God. This is why the Pope cannot change the Tradition. It's not his affair, but God's.

To be a member of the Catholic in good standing you, like in all Organizations, you have to abide by their doctrines, bylaws, or be excommunicated, expelled, from the Church. Those that hold these beliefs are antedated in today's world are free to leave the Church and start their own church as St. Andrew United Church of Christ in Louisville has done. They can call themselves Catholics if they wish but they are no more Catholic than any of the other Protestant Churches are. They are protesting the Church’s tradition of men only priests, and as such joined with Marten Luther schism. The very word 'protestant' means protest.

Rosemarie was a nun in the Church, “Smead had to leave the rigorous Carmelite life due to health reasons, and earned a bachelor's degree in theology and a doctorate in counseling psychology. She taught at Indiana University for 26 years, and works as a couples and family therapist.“ (Reuters) 

It seems to me that if her health was good enough to do all she did after vacating her vows that she used her health as an excuse to leave the Carmelite order where her opportunities were limited to say the least. 

I read that “The woman priest movement started in Austria in 2002, when seven women were ordained by the Danube River by an independent Catholic bishop. Other women were later ordained as bishops, who went on to ordain more women priests and deacons.” Independent Catholic bishop would better read as a rogue Catholic bishop, in other words not a Catholic at all as priests are stripped of their holy orders for participating in ordination ceremonies for women. I do not believe that they will have the same success that Luther did in forming a movement, but time will tell. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Redneck fun on a spring day.

Dropping a small stand of big trees in the horses' dry lot, and reintroducing the horses to the dry lot after the trees are down.