Friday, March 1, 2013

Current Examples of TV's Role in Government Propaganda

If you watch Cable News at all you know that the media dearly wants our government to support the Syrian rebels in there war against Assad to that end concocts such stories as these in the following video. These are clips that went viral and were broadcast by the media worldwide without any scrutiny nor redaction after they were proven false.  By not acknowledging that these clips were fake propaganda created by terrorists against Syria, the main stream media is an accomplice with the terrorists.

Now listen to the talking heads on television tell you the country has "weapons of mass destruction" or "chemical weapons" and is "about to use them on their own people", they really what to put the Jihadist in charge of Syria just like they did in Lebanon.   

Both parties do it, and in my opinion there is not a bucket worth of worm spit between them. 

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