Saturday, August 25, 2012

Predator or Pray

He sees a world made up of
Predator or Pray
Where the Law of the Jungle
Survival of the fittest,
Let the buyer beware
And if you don’t have a gun
Have a big stick.
With no remorse
He will rob and kill.
He always looks
For the easy way.
He laughs at the fools
Who says it is not his fault,
That he had a bad childhood,
Or inherited a bad gene.
He like what he does
Likes to feel
Crushing bones
And see blood splatter.
He will go from the
Girl he just beat and raped,
Leaving her crumpled body
In the alley as he goes to eat.
Doing a strong arm robbery
On the way
To pay for his meal.
Like a Lion he sees himself.
But the sound of sirens
Make him sulk in the darkness
Like a Jackal until he
Can hale a cab.
Tomorrow he will
Be at the bus station
Laid around this town too long
Time to be moving on.
The heat is getting too hot,
Too may people
Know him.
Too many have reported him.
He has to be moving along
On to the big score
So he does not have to do
His dirty deeds
In the alley.
He feels no guilt for in his mind for
The only crime is the crime of being caught.
And if you can’t do the time,
Don’t do the crime.


Monday, August 20, 2012


You are entitled to your opinion, when you put forth your opinion into the marketplace of idea it is not you that should be attacked, rather your opinion. In turn you refine and defend your opinion. This is the dialectic art of arriving at the truth, it would be very naive of me to think that everyone will agree with what I think, when someone, like some has often done, challenges me on the facts I put forth, or on the conclusion I have drawn, I must go back and insure that I have my facts correct, and the logic I used to reach my conclusions are sound. One’s worldview will always color one’s opinion, but it should not blind you to reality.

One must start from where ever one finds one’s self to be, and pick each decision as best of their capabilities as they try to move from where they are to where they want to be. If you have chosen to be a champion of a cause, just as I have, our causes may different, mine being Libertinisms and dispelling error as I see it, while you may be the cause of the less fortunate in the world, or to get someone elected. You cannot enter into the fray of ideas with a thin skin; you must strive to improve both your rhetoric and logic in order to get your opinion a fair hearing in the marketplace of ideas.

When we try to convince others of the rightness of our cause we use rhetoric to do so, when we frame an argument we use logic to build its structure. We cannot let ridicule nor ad hominem attacks deter us from championing our cause. Our feeling are of no consequences, our arguments stand or fall upon the logic and rhetoric we use to present them.

I do not believe that anyone has ever found a missing link as to what the horse was before it was a horse. In matters of faith proof does nothing to dissuade only to reinforce what one already believer, one will always pick the facts that reinforce their beliefs and reject the ones that go counter to that belief.  . My God is a God of revelation, if He does not reveal Himself to you, you cannot see Him, He elects who will believe and disbelieves in Him.  In this I am a bigot, as many people are in their beliefs, my mind is closed to any counter argument, you cannot persuade me not to believe.

If this attitude was held only in what we call matter of faith than the conversion of other's opinions to more reflect your own would, indeed, be a matter of  looking at the facts, framing an argument, and delivering it.  The other would either see the errors of his ways or in his argument convince you of yours.  Alas, for many of us,  see our worldview as divinely revealed and beyond the touch of logic.  The true believer, the fanatic, the foot soldier of the cause.  His truth is the only truth, and he knows it is true because it is the Cause.

He is not the leader of the cause, the leader gives him the direction he has been looking for, a cause that give him, in his eyes, meaning.  His faith in his cause is unshakable, he is steadfast, and reliable.  The only opinions that count or the opinions held by the cause.  What is the cause?  Is it a good cause, an evil cause, it does not matter to the believer as long as he can be convinced it is the right cause. External propaganda converts him to the cause, and internal propaganda keeps him blind to any other way of seeing the world.  He only talks to people who agrees with his cause, will not have a conversation with anyone who hold a different opinion, they are at best misguided, and at worst an evil member of another cause.

Left Causes:  Progressiveness, Socialism, Communism, Gay Rights, Occupiers, ACORN, etc.

Right Causes: Christianity, Tea Party, Right to Lifers, etc.

There is no reconciliation possible between the left and right causes, and only traitors betray their cause.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

What Peace Can You Make With Islam?

Jesus said:
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Muhammad said:
“ Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, to make it superior over all religions”.
Jesus said:
“And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them.”
Muhammad said:
"He who fights that Allah’s word be superior is in Allah’s cause"
Jesus said:
“Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven”
Muhammad said:
“Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth among the people of the Scripture until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
Jesus said:
“If he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.”
Muhammad said:
“O believers, many of the rabbis and monks devour the property of the people unjustly and bar others from the Path of Allah [Islam]. Those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend them in Allah’s path, announce to them a very painful punishment.”
Jesus said:
“I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
Muhammad said:
“It was God’s will to establish the truth according to His word and to finish off the disbelievers”
Jesus said:
“Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.”
Muhammad said:
“I have been ordered to fight against people till they say ‘none has the right to worshiped but Allah’ and whoever said, he saved his life and property from me except for Islamic law, and his accounts will be with Allah.”
Jesus said:
“Thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.”
Muhammad said:
"Paradise has one hundred grades (virgins) which Allah has reserved for the Mujahidun who fight in Allah’s Cause, and the distance between each of two grades is like the distance between heaven and the earth. So when you ask Allah (for something), ask for the Al-Firdaus which is the middle and the highest part of Paradise”
I ask:
What peace can you make
With someone who will
Kill you for being you?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reconstruction's Legacy

There is two very good reasons that the War Between the States has been much more imprinted upon the Southern mind then the Northern mind, and that is the fact that the war, for the most part, was fought in the South, and Reconstruction and all the hoops that Southern had to jump through to get readmitted to the Union.  This period lasted for about 12 years after the war.

Right after the war only freedmen (blacks who were former slaves) and those white Southern who had not supported the Confederacy were eligible to take the "ironclad oath," as required by the Reconstruction laws passed in 1867 to vote or hold office.  Carpetbaggers (Northerners who moved to the South during Reconstruction between 1865 and 1877) formed a coalition with Freedmen and Scalawags (Southern whites who supported the Reconstruction) in the Republican Party, which in turn controlled the Confederate States for a period of 10 years or more, 1867–1877.

Lincoln wanted to speed up Reconstruction and reunite the nation as painlessly and as quickly as possible, but alas that possibility ended in Ford Theater, and the Republican Congress took over from Johnson how Reconstruction would be run.

This meant that those who thought of themselves true Son of the South had to live under the thumb of an oppressive occupation, with the Union Army enforced the ruling Republicans.  My very own Grate Grandparents lived through this period, and told me of their first hand experiences of the Yankee invaders. As in all wars of that epoch there was a lot of raping, pilings, and looting that the army and civilian officials just looked the other way, if they did not join in the fun.

Whites who had not sworn the oath, and many were not allowed to take the oath for years, were not allowed the use of firearms, and were at the mercy of the armed freedman and the Carpetbaggers’ armed enforcers.  In retaliation veterans of the Confederate Army, most notable Nathan Bedford Forrest, founded the Ku Klux Klan.  Its main purpose, at first, was to resist Reconstruction. It focused as much on intimidating "carpetbaggers" and "scalawags" as on putting down the freed slaves.

The North went on as it had before the war, without a occupation in a land that had not been razed to the ground like Sherman laid waste as the South.  As Sherman said, “I’ve seen cities and homes in ashes. I’ve seen thousands of men lying on the ground, their dead faces looking up at the skies. I tell you, war is hell!” those were not Northern cities and homes he was talking about.  It is not at all surprising that the North could put the war behind them a lot faster and easier than the South could.

This hate was passed on, to succeeding generations, specially the distaste of having been forced to accept the blacks as equals, the North had their own problem with this as well, remember it was Cicero, Ill where Marten Luther King, Jr. was stoned by the Polish.  In the 1870s, many whites switched from the Republican Party to the conservative-Democrat coalition, who called themselves Redeemers. Conservative Democrats replaced all Southern state Republican regimes by 1877.

This is the Democrat Party that set up segregation as the law of the land and held the South from then until Regain came and pointed out that, well as he said, “I did not leave the Democrat Party, it left me.”  Of course he was referring to the party’s ongoing tilt to the left and not the oppression of the black people.  Now the Democrats, and for some time in the past, have a lock on the black vote in spite of their history of oppressing the black people.  They set up the sharecropping system in the south to replace slavery with wage slaves.  It was the Democrat Party that fought against the Emasculation of the blacks, and they were the one who stood in front of Federal troop to try and prevent the integration of southern schools.

It is the Democrats that raise race as a political issue at every opportunity, they have fostered the animosity between blacks and whites to divide and conquer.  When they realized that suppressing black would no longer keep them in office they swung to the left, and completely reinvented themselves as the champion of the black man and the poor white man.  I now fear the Democrat Party more than a Sherman army marching across the land, for in their sight is not just the South but the whole country.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

To Freedspirit

This is an exchange I had some years back, but still pertinent today:

This post is in response to someone who calls their self “Freedspirit”.  Note that this is not about Freedspirit along, but all the other people who think that they can enter the market place of ideas, and express their opinions without a debate upon there merit.  When you go into the market and get up on your soapbox, as I am doing here, you cannot expect everyone to accept what you have to say, and you should not be surprised if someone puts up a soapbox right next to you to explain what they think is the error of your ways.

The post that has now been removed concerned hell, and her belief that it did not exist, which is fine with me for I agreed and used "For this is GOOD [not evil] and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who WILL have ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come to the knowledge [both the good knowledge and the evil knowledge] of THE TRUTH" (I Tim. 2:3-4), as part of the justification for my belief.  For if God will have it, who can deny it?

She pointed out that she did not believe in Jesus, who is still alright with me; I believe that Jesus will get around to everyone in His own sweet time.  But then she (I am assuming that Freedspirit is a she) she answered another’s question about the why the Bible said so much about hell with the comment that the Bible was put together by Constantine the Great in 325 A.D., and not to believe the Bible because it was just put together by a man making authority for himself to tell other what to do (I do not remember the exact wording of this).  Well this is just not factual, so I had to respond with the following:

Constantine the Great put an end to the persecution went on to make other laws in favor of the Christians, but he did not himself become a Christian until his victory over Licinius. He did preside over the first ecumenical council of the church at Nicaea in 325.  This came about because the bishop of Alexandria, whose name was Alexander, excommunicated Arius for his impiety.  Constantine advising Alexander and Arius not to dispute about trifles, however, he decided that the question of whether our Lord and Savior were God or a creature was so far from being a trifle, and that it was one of the most serious of all questions.  This council is when it was determent that Sunday (a pagan holey day named after the sun and was observed because of the sun worshipers, but only a few  observed the Sabbath while man were already observing Sunday) wound be the day Christians would set aside as their rest and holy day.  No biblical authority was giving for this decision, it was just declared.

The bishop of Alexander could call together the bishops of all Egypt, and the bishop of Antioch could call together all the bishops of Syria and some neighboring countries. But there was no bishop who could call a council of the whole Church, because there was no one who had any power over more than a part of it. But now, Constantine, as he had become a Christian, thought that he might gather a council from all quarters of his empire, and this was the first of what are called the general councils.  Historically speaking pope Pius I (142-155) was the first single bishop presiding over the diocese of Rome, but he had no supreme authority as the Pope does today.

It met in the year 325 A.D., at Nicaea (or Nice), in Bithynia, and 318 bishops attended it. The emperor attended the council during the latter part of its sittings; it was the Nicene Creed, "Very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father."  That was the results of this council, not the selection of the works that would be included in the Bible.  By the way the word "creed" means I believe.

The Bible came to us by way of the Jews for the Old Testament, the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that there had been little change in these scriptures in over 2000 years.  The New Testament was written in Greek. The Pauline Epistles, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the book of Acts are all dated from 45-63 A.D. The Gospel of John and the Revelation may have been written as late as 95 A.D.

There are over 5,600 early Greek Manuscripts of the New Testament that are still in existence. The oldest manuscripts were written on papyrus and the later manuscripts were written on leather called parchment.  In 125 A.D. the New Testament manuscript, which dates most closely to the original autograph, was copied around 125 A.D., within 35 years of the original. It is designated "p 52" and contains a small portion of John 18. (The "p" stands for papyrus.)  Now to claim that the Bible did not exist until 325 A.D. is just not true, it was the Nicene Creed that did not exist until then.

It was at this that Freedspirit deleted all comments to her post, and I left a comment saying, “I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinions, but that no one is entitled to their own facts.”  With this she responded the following:

freedspirit wrote today at 2:02 PM:
With all due respect: It wasn't meant to be a debate or an argument. "Facts" are often twisted by spin doctors and those facts that I stated, I learned in Art History in College. Those are the "facts" as I was taught by an accredited college. It was a political move - that took women out of the picture very conveniently might I add. And no matter anyway....the Bible was put together by Infallible (sic)  men. And that is a fact that can't be disputed in my book. My truth comes from within. I don't believe in "Hell" as a place and I don't believe War is the way to Peace either. I am your worst nightmare CC...I am a bleeding heart liberal. So let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

"There is a field where there are no rights or wrongs - will you meet me there?"
~ Rumi

I commented back that she did not wish a discussion, but wanted to preach, and with this she has shut her site to any comment and no longer has her opinion posted, and wrote me back:

freedspirit wrote today at 2:14 PM:

How it was not my wish to shut her up and make her go away, I just wanted her to justify the things she was saying, and pointing out some things that history tell a different tell then the what she learned in her “accredited college”.  I would like to know what collage that was, and what course taught that, but alas she has withdrawn for the field.

As for her quote from the Persian Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi-Rumi the Mawlawīyah, this is the guy who founded the Sufi Order, also known as the order of the Whirling Dervishes, and all of those folks want to either convert us or kill us, no compromise.

"There is a field where there are no rights or wrongs - will you meet me there?" I will meet anyone there as soon as force is no longer use by some men to make other men bow to their will.  She picks only the word that pleases her.  Some people want to use a bunch of goby gook that they spew out in a seemingly coherent stream to convert as many as they can into their way of thinking.  They quickly withdraw when faced with the truth of their assertion, and do not try to defend the words they are trying to sell as true,

Just remember this, if you post I may respond.  I will only remove obscene comments from my post, not the ones who disagree with my opinion.  As far as "the Bible was put together by Infallible men" if the Bible is of God then the men who wrote it did it under His inspiration, If the Bible be of men then there is no God in it.  That is the dilemma, and the choices of worldviews.  So who’s Son is Jesus?

Outlaw Trail

Here I sit in jail
‘cause they caught me again.
In a hail of bullets
After I shot my last round
It was give up or die
So here I sit in jail.

The hanging judge
They call him,
The man I will stand in front
Of tomorrow.
Regrets that I didn’t
Run and got shot.

No anticipation of the trap door
Snapping open beneath me,
Just dead in the street,
But no regret of riding the outlaw trail.

I look out my window to the yard below
Where workers are building the scaffold
They expect me to swing from.
The day after the trial.

Their hammers crack on the nails
Sound like gunfire to my ears.
The Deputy sticks in his head,
And asks what I want for my last meal.

“What would be the best food
This town has to offer”
I answer back
“That would be it.”

“Tonight” he said
“You will settle for beans and bread.”
I turn and look back out the window,
And heard “Tomorrow you’re going to hell”

No doubt about my end,
It has been a long run to here
From killing the baster that beat my mother,
And the Fargo Express office I robbed.

More killing and stealing
Than I can remember.
But for the first asshole
Every man I shot had been trying to kill me.

Beans and bread and water
Even condemned men have to eat,
And I ate every bite
Before I lay to sleep.

Waking to the rattle of keys in the lock
“Only coffee for you this morning.
No need wasting food on a dead man”
Without a word I drank.

Into the court room I walked
Shackled hand and foot.
Charged with murder, thievery, and horse stealing
“How do you plead?” the judge asked.

“For mercy, I plead for mercy”
Looking from his eyes to my feet,
As he said
“Hang by the neck until dead!”

“You days on the outlaw trail are at an end”
He smirked and slammed his little hammer
Hard onto his desk.
“May God have mercy on your soul.”

Hands on either arm, they shoved me
Back to my cell, and took off my chains.
I heard the ringing of the slamming
Of the cell door echoing through the jail house.

Along time, an infinity of time
The sheriff came back and asked,
“Do you not care what you eat tonight?”
“No, just so long as it comes from the best place in town.”

All of the hammering was done, and the night was quite
When the Deputy bought my last meal,
Open the door, and set it on the bed,
With his gun drawn, and eyes me.

He left and I took the cover off the basket, fried chicken
I smiled as I took pieces out, how were they to know
That the love of my life worked in the best eatery in town,
And in the breast she had hid a derringer?

I ate the chicken, and sides, drank the milk,
And told the Deputy I was done.
He came in. but did not pull his gun as he gathered my mess,
And as he straighten up I put my gun in his face.
Made his drop his gun belt, and lay on the bed face down.
I locked him in, found my pistol, stole a shotgun and some shells

Walked down the stairs, and out the door
Where she waited holding two horses
They looked like good ones, like fast ones.
After a kiss, away on the outlaw trail we rode.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tell A Tale

Sometime I just have to tell a tale.
Sometimes I just have to sing a song.
It is nothing I did or didn’t do
It's just what is.
Memories come to mind
And paint their picture
Upon my demeanor
And direct my thoughts
Onto what should be left lie,
Like a sleeping dog
That may bite upon awaking,
Or maybe wag its tail.
Every tree has a tale
Every stone its say
The birds and the bees
And the ants in the ground
Well tonight I would like to tell
Of the gaining of wisdom,
Through many mistakes,
Hard earned.
What is it, you ask,
That I made me so wise?
Well, trial and error
Not much reason and logic.
And where, you might wonder,
Does my wisdom lie
Of what is it that I consider myself
So wise?
Only in one thing do lay this claim,
And that is my heart.
No, not the beating,
The pumping of life’s blood.
Rather the Love it holds
Is my area of expertise.
How it sends me out
Through my day.
How it guides my steps,
Sets my goals,
Puts me to sleep at night,
And wakes me in the morning.
Chooses the words of my prayers,
And deems what is important.
In my heart is the center
Of my world.
Patients is the wisdom
I have learned.
Love will come in its own time,
Or it will not come at all.
Like the story of two farmers
Who prayed for rain.
One went home and waited,
The other prepared his field, planted his crop.
Which one had faith?
I prepare my life to hold
My love in peace.
So when she may come
All will be ready for her.
Like the rain on the field
She will bring to fruition
My hopes and dreams.
My salvation is in Jesus
But my happiness is in her.
She is the other half
To which I cleave
Her face is hidden from me now,
I know not when she will come
So I continue getting ready
For the day she arrives.
For the day she can
Finish her own field
For the day she can
Complete her tasks.
And chose her path
That crosses my own
And we join in one way
On our way to join Jesus.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Life runs its course
All so smooth and straight
Predictable from day to day
Then a turning.
A parting of the ways,
A change in the way
Things no longer the same
In the blink of an eye.
In sadness for the old
Looking to the joy of the new.
The prayers for the dead
Are for the living.
Expectation change to the new
As the new sets
Up housekeeping
Not only in the heart,
But in the house.
The new rearranges
And replaces the old
As it makes itself to home.
The home shrinks then grows,
Animals come and go,
To better homes
Where love abounds.
The chickens make eggs
The horse eats their hay
The hound howl at the moon
And I await my love.
Though I made my deal,
And made my promise,
I will not expect
Any more than I will get.
My life takes another turn
From the old
Into the new
One day at a time.
Deal with the Devil
And you never win,
Deal with life
And you always die.
Born into sin
Sentence to death,
Only Love can take you beyond,
A Love beyond understanding.
A love that transients
Both the old and the new,
A Love that binds,
A Love that mends.
A Love beyond the grave
A Love for the living
A living Love
That makes life worth living.
Contentment is fleeting
By its very nature
But happiness is obtainable
And can last a lifetime.
But happiness is not guaranteed
Just its pursuit, and in its pursuit
It may be found
By just following the path.
From the old into the new
Day by day
One step at a time
Until the old becomes the new.
And loss of contentment drive
Me from the complacent
To seek what may be found
And take my Love by her hand.
Love is blind and hears
Not a harsh word
It sees no blemish
And finds no fault.
It is happy in of itself
And needs not the object
Of it desires to thrive.
Hope is enough to keep it alive.
Hope, the last of the Virtues
To die, and the first to resurrect.
Long suffering, it feed love
Through all famine.
Hope shield Love from all abuse
Hope lets Love grow in the
Stoniest of grounds,
And Hope keeps Faith alive.
Faith that the loved will reciprocate,
Faith that Love will bring happiness home,
Faith that the old will turn into the new,
And Love is forever renewed.
Time move on
Turning the new into the old
Mixing and blinding
Love, Hope Faith, and Happiness.
Different apportions
At different times
More Hope one time,
More Happiness another
Sometimes despair
That the old will never become new
But then sometimes
A turning, and all things seem anew.
Hope in its grave
Spring to life
Watering Love with its tears,
And unspoken sobs.
Tomorrow will bring
What it will bring,
But today there was a turning.
A turning away from the old.
Change is as eternal
As the same old, same old.
Change mixes and confuses
And spawns the new.
Bringing new choices,
Forcing new decisions.
Change will leave you alone
For a while.
I become complacent
Forbearing in fear
That it would never change,
And it may change back.
Only the living will tell,
And the tell will be told
Day by day
Choice by choice by choice.
