Saturday, February 9, 2013

Platitudes And There Euphemism As Used By The Medea, Politicians, and Advertisers

Remember a platitude is a flat, dull, or trite remark, especially one uttered as if it were fresh or profound.  While a  euphemism a word or phrase that's used to make an unpleasant idea sound better.  Below the platitude will be in BOLD and underlined.  What is a euphemism for will follow.

For it seems to me that the great Goal of media (mainstream), and its controllers, or mechanical reduction, so the populations (It’s audience) will accept whatever seems “more efficient,” more ordered, more systematic, more bureaucratic, more automatic, more predictable, more recetitive.  With that as the merciless foundation, the population will accept whatever comes down from the top as a command. The actual content of the command is unimportant.

I intend to add to this list as time goes on.  Common platitude in use in and by the media today and what they really mean:

Double Down: This has become a very popular phrase among the talking heads but is it an apt analogy to someone not backing off a statement and restating what they said before?   The term was lifted from Blackjack where the players can double the original bet but in exchange he only receives one more card. To do this, the player turns over his first two cards and places an equal bet alongside the original bet, and if the dealer does not beat the player he is paid double.  The problem with this analogy is that the player only gets one more card while the Politicians get as many as they wishes to play.  Double Down sure does sound good though!

“Weaker-than-expected economic growth”, “weaker-than-expected jobs report”, “weaker-than-expected _______”, and you fill in the blank:  Just who are the expectors?  Why could not these expectors expect more/less than they actually expected on purpose so the headlined could read the way they want them to read?  They, the media, never explain who these expecors are.

A no brainer:  While this is said to convey the idea that whatever it is that is a no brainer that it takes no thought to realize it is the right choice.  In fact what it is saying is that only a stupid person would not think this was the right choice.

Right side of history:  Said to mean that all right minded people will be on their side of the issue, and only wrongheaded or evil people would oppose it.  Then they point to the slavery issue to make their point.  Both the gun control people and those who favor homosexual marriage use this bit of rhetoric a lot.

Change History:  History cannot be changed if it is the record of events leading from the past until now.  No person in history changed history, they made history.  Nor can anyone living change history, they are making history.  I suppose what they mean when this is said it that things stopped going the way they had been going.  So when Thomas Savery patented the first crude steam engine he changed how work would be done, but he did not change history, he made history.

Kick the can down the road:  This is said to say that the problem has been put off until another time in the future.  But kicking the can game I use to play while I was a kid never had anything to do with a problem; the can was kicked down the road because it was fun to do it.

All over this: Said to mean that the network is going to cover the story intently, but really it means it does not have to worry about programming for a while.  Think back on the OJ story, Sandy Storm, blizzards, the Chris Dorner shootout and you will see what I mean.  The Carnival Triumph cruise ship drifting is another good example, did you really want to watch that all day on all the cable news networks?  There just as many things going on in the world when the stories that they decide they want to plaster in front of your face 24/7 but they ignore them.  When they make a story big like that they do not have to spend as much money on news gathering, and it does not shift the agenda.  

Breaking News:  What this really means is that the network, be it NBC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX, or CNN this is what we have determined what you need to know about the world today so you will see it as we see it.  Remember there hundreds of murders happening everyday in the US, thousands of fires and accidents.  It is by picking and choosing what events to cover that they shape opinions. What do we care or need to know that a bus crash in Bangladesh, killing at least 16?  It is not just filler, it enforces the connection of us all worldwide, that we should care for those Muslims that died in the crash, making the ones who live here more like us.  This also applies to the news about the traffic jam in China, or the soccer game in Germany all are part of the 'one world' theme, imosubconsciousness manipulation.

News Alert: Or just alert, this is to inform you that there is something they want to think is important in going to be revealed to you. It is almost the same thing as Breaking News, but not quite.

Fair and Balanced: The opinions we don't tell are not worth considering.

Tax Loopholes:  Or just Loophole.  Someone using the law to pay as little taxes as possible.  The government made the laws, and then complain that someone uses it if they don't like the way they used it, or if they don't like who used it in the manner it was used.  Then it becomes a loophole like the oil companies loophole that is available to every other company doing business.

Get A Second One Free, Just Pay Shipping And Handling:   Sometimes how it says, "Just pay procession and shipping", and sometimes you do not even have to buy the first one to get it FREE, just pay the carrying charge.   I assure you that the procession and the shipping fee will include a profit for the ones selling it, else they could not afford to give it away. Remember ANSTAAFL, ain't no such thing as a free lunch, somebody has to pay for the cow will not kill itself.  This is just a soft con to get you to buy whatever it is they are hyping.

Wait, I Am Not Through Yet... A $100 value for $19.99:  if it was truly worth $100  they could not possibly sell it for $20 and stay in business.  True is not a determent by cost, you have many things that you would not part with for anywhere near the cost you paid for it. This juxtaposing of value and cost is just a sneaky way of saying we have this on sell would you like to buy it?  To say it that way would be honest but would not sell as many items.

Guaranteed For Life:  They are not talking about your life, or even the product's life, it is the life of the firm that the lifetime guarantee is good for.

Based On A True Story:   Just because it is based on a true story does not make it a true story.  What it makes it is the story they wish to tell, they feel free to leave out as much of the true story as they see fit up to include the whole truth of the story.  They also feel free to add as much untruth to the story as they see fit to project the idea they wish to project.  It is called creative license.

Scientists Say:  This is an appeal to an unknown authority .  You should believe it because a scientist said it was so, they are the experts and you should  accept it because they are and whatever your opinions are don't count.  So they can say things like this, "Early human ancestors were 'aquatic apes': Living in water helped us evolve big brains and walk upright, scientists say..." and because of the "scientists say" you are to accept this as gospel for the high priests have spoken.

Expect the Unexpected:  Oxymoronic! If you expect it it is not unexpected.  You cannot plan for what you do not know to plane for, you may prepare to be suprised but not all unexpected things come as a supprise.  Sometimes the unexpected sneaksup on you and you wake up in a world that you no longer recognize as theone you were born into. 

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