Friday, February 8, 2013

Till The End of Time

Happy memories just leave me alone
She left me alone. And that is where I belong
So just go ahead be gone!

ain’t going nowhere
Just staying where I am
Till the end of time.

Sadness I am, no desire to move on
Just me and my memories
To wallow around.

Would be that I would
Trying again and again
It is right here that I end.

Tried too many times
To think of another ending
To this sad song I am am.

Just go ahead and check out you say,
Well hells bells, who died and made you God?
 Will hang around in my tears as long as I will.

Sadness is my joy, my pain is not your grief
You are you, and I am me.
You live your life and I will live mine.

You don’t like my sadness?
I hate your joy!
Don’t like me, I could give a shit.

No excuse for me?
Shit, just what is your excuse?
Your happiness?

Just wait time will take
All you have and in the end
You will be as alone as I.

Till the end I have decided
This is the way it will be
My mourning the loss of my happiness.

You cannot help me
Nor do I want your help
I picked my own way to this end.


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