Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Real Racists

How to slant a story, and project the opinion you want the reader to hold.  From the TIME, Ideas, by MSNBC’s Touré on Feb. 26, 2013 with the headline :  “Trayvon Martin: One Year Later, Justice Remains Elusive”  I extracted just this one paragraph for a demonstration:

“I’m not pre-convicting or pre-judging Zimmerman, who is claiming self-defense in the face of a second-degree murder charge. I’m just dealing with the known facts. Trayvon is dead after an interaction initiated by an armed man, a man who acted as a neighborhood vigilante and who, as we hear on a 911 call, saw Trayvon as a threat who was probably armed and on drugs. Early in that recording he says:  ”This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about.” And a little later he adds, “Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waistband. And he’s a black male.” That perception of Trayvon as armed, drugged and criminal hits the stereotype trifecta for a young black man. If Zimmerman had not been hopped up on stereotypes and vigilantism then maybe he would’ve waited for the police. Or not followed Trayvon."

Now he starts by saying, “I’m not pre-convicting or pre-judging Zimmerman… I’m just dealing with the known facts.  “Then he says was s that Zimmerman a man who acted as a neighborhood vigilante”.  Touré had a choice as how explain why Zimmerman was where he was at:  neighborhood vigilante, or neighborhood watch.  Neighborhood watch would not fit the picture he wants his readers to hold, so neighborhood vigilante it had to be.

Touré then writes, “Early in that recording he says: ”This guy looks like he’s up to no good or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around looking about.” And a little later he adds, “Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waistband. And he’s a black male.” That perception of Trayvon as armed, drugged and criminal hits the stereotype trifecta for a young black man.”

Here is the actual transcript of the conversation which I am sure Touré has the same access to as I do:  

“Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.”

Notice anything missing?  Oh yeah, the dispatcher asking if Trayvon was black, white or Hispanic.  Why would Touré leave this question out of his story?  Because if he had he could not have gone on to write, “That perception of Trayvon as armed, drugged and criminal hits the stereotype trifecta for a young black man.””

This was a lie of omission; you do that whenever you tell part of the story that supports your agenda but leave out the part that does not.  This article is another good example of propaganda.  The hidden agenda is the projection of White Guilt upon his readers, and to sway and/or reinforce the progressives’ assertion the blacks cannot be raciest, only white people can do that and if Zimmerman is found innocent it would be a glaring example of that white racism in action.

On into the article Touré writes “Since the killing, there has been a concerted effort by Zimmerman’s supporters to define him as Hispanic — as if this would change the case by removing the potential of racial profiling. This is a clever way of combining the “people of color can’t be racist” meme (an idea most whites usually reject) and the “one-drop rule” — a hold-over from slavery that says that having one drop of black blood meant you were a slave so that new slaves could be created even if they had a white parent.”

You see, in the mindset of Toure’ here, George Zimmerman can’t be called Hispanic because his dad is white; That a side, he does  refers to Obama as being black even though he has a white mother,  Two ways of looking at the same thing, or a double standard? 

If you want to read Toure’ article you can go to: 

The real racists do not judge a man by his character, but his race and affirmative action.  The judge a person not according to their abilities, but by how their ancestors may have have had an advantage or a disadvantage  and what the individual does not not count for a hill of beans it is the group that gets accolades or condemnation.  

 However, be not deceived, for the real agenda of the progressives is control of us all, regardless of race, they believe with their whole heart that we are too stupid to make decisions for ourselves.  Many truly believe that we would all be better off if we would just turn the kabang over to them and let them run it for us.  One thing I know for sure, they would be better off, I don’t know about the rest of us.

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