Friday, November 29, 2013

The Knockout Game, No Big Deal?

In the headlines today, The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal 

"From a distance, the media can spot some lone idiot holding up an offensive sign at a tea party rally. But when it comes to black perp/white victim crime, there is a very different attitude. Consider the media reaction to the assault of three white girls on Halloween night, 2006, in Long Beach, Calif., just outside Los Angeles. Without provocation, a mostly black mob of 30 to 40 teens and adults brutally kicked, punched and pummeled three young white women, slamming them to the ground, ripping earrings from their lobes and beating them with a skateboard. One of the victims had 12 fractures in her face that required multiple surgeries, and had damage to her teeth and her eyesight. The women also suffered internal injuries and concussions. But for the efforts of a black good Samaritan, who waded into the crowd to help the girls, they might well have died." Real Clear Politics

Meanwhile a 89-year-old in Fort Myers had some black knock on his door and whacked him on the head when he answered the door. A 72-year-old in the same town was weeding his garden, someone kicked him from behind, knocking him to the ground. The victim says he saw a teenage girl laughing at him before she walked back to join a larger group of black teens. The victim stated that while he was weeding his garden, someone kicked him from behind, knocking him to the ground. The victim says he saw a teenage girl laughing at him before she walked back to join a larger group of teens.

The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal , I reckon that it is all a matter of perception, no big deal to the black thugs, just fun, but a real big deal to the white folks being hurt and killed.

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