Friday, January 10, 2014

Christie Blocking Lanes

You know up until yesterday it seemed to me that the Progressives were doing their best to coronate Christ Christie the Repubs' next presidential nominee just like they did everything they could to help McCain to get it. And now over some lanes being blocked on a bridge they are spending all their air time and print talking about how he has MOST LIKELY blew his chances at winning the White House.

I put the 'most likely' in caps above because I think it is just a dog and pony show and they still really want him for the nominee, but they need a distraction right now to be able to stop talking about former Defense Secretary Robert Gates book which paints Hillery, Biden, et al. in a bad light. Mark my word, Christie will be pushed back to front runner by the MSM next month.

Why do you think they want Christie to be the nominee? I think it is the same reason they wanted McCain, just as there were a lot of conservatives and Veterans who would not vote for McCain, they want Christie because they believe that there are a lot of Tea Party voters who will not vote for him. And they may be right, for while I held my nose and voted for McCain I will not vote for Christie, and I am not a Tea Partier.

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