Thursday, January 16, 2014

Common-Sense Solutions

Arne Sorenson, President and CEO at Marriott International, said “Last year, the Senate passed a forward-looking immigration bill that offers many common-sense solutions to the problems that plague our current system and would be a boon to the economy. It seems that politics have kept and will keep the House from passing that particular measure.” [snip] “If the U.S. had the same share of global travel it had in 2000, the U.S. would be welcoming roughly 35 million visitors every year. We estimate that would create one million more jobs in the U.S. As unemployment inches downward, we also need a functioning immigration system that helps us staff positions that might otherwise go unfilled, especially in our seasonal resorts. Our sector is already one of the bright spots in the economy – we’ve seen 14 consecutive quarters of job growth. Just imagine how much brighter it would be with these changes.”  AT's CEO says more guest workers needed:

I have some nitpicking to do with Mr. Sorenson's opinion:

"common-sense solutions", the use of "common sense" in an argument like this is the say as saying that it is a "no brainer", which is to say that if you oppose the idea being put forth you have no common sense, whatever that may be, or that you do not have a brain.  In effect what they are saying is that if you disagree, you are an idiot.

"... we’ve seen 14 consecutive quarters of job growth."  These 14 quarters of job growth he is touting is a growth rate less than the number of workers entering into the workforce.  To brag about it, he has to ignore all the people who have dropped out of the workforce during these same quarters. Another 1.2 million people dropped out the USworkforce in January:

"...As unemployment inches downward, we also need a functioning immigration system."  Again he neglects the fact that we have millions upon millions of Americans who have dropped out of the workforce who are more that capable of filling the "million more jobs" he says that his industry could create.

"...we also need a functioning immigration system..."  Our immigration system would work just fine if the laws on the books were inforced

"... a functioning immigration system that helps us staff positions that might otherwise go unfilled,"  Here in lies the crust of his desires, he want people who will work for the wages he wishes to pay, which means immigrants, for he know that to hire American's he would have to pay the "Living Wage" that Progressive scream so loud for from Walmart.

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