Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Be What You Want To Be?

And While it well maybe
That the future is unwritten,
But it is predicate and aimed
By the past.
It is so blasé to say:
“You can be anything
That you wish to be“,
When in fact
You must start from
Where you might find
Yourself to be,
Then you must plot a path,
From what you are
To what you wish.
There is nothing
Nonchalant about that!
The present can be seen
As a light
That cast the shadows
Of the past
Far into the future.
Magnifying and minimizing
Sometimes making
What seems so trivia
Metamorphose into the linchpin
Of what you find
Yourself to be.
Then again,
What appeared so important
Can be contorted
As not much more then naught.
So easily to be fooled!
For sometimes importance
Is perceived,
And triviality
Be just that.
So easily to drown
In the minutiae
Or to be blinded
By the big picture.
Which leads me
To this question,
Does the man make the events?
Or do the events make the Man?
Could Adolf
Be Der Fuhrer
At any other point
In History?
Or could he have
Gained his power
Without so many others
Aiding and abetting him?
How can one person
Weave the fabric events
Into any shape
They may wish it to be?

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