Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Lost in a daydream
I wonder through life.
Maybe no more then a pipedream
But I dream of a wife.
A wife who will adore me,
Who will forsake all others,
And stand beside me in glee.
Looks to me as the source of her succors.
When times go bad
And the storms rage overhead
She want think of running to Dad
But will look to be by my side instead.
I dream of a home
That will be where we are.
No mater if we roam,
Or if we live near or afar.
If we live in a hovel,
Or in a ranch house
Let where we are be our bethel
Just let us be espoused.
Then let us be wed
In love and in lust,
Let us share our bed
In the deepest of trust.
I live through the day
In hope of a day to come
That will completely change my way
As Eve changed Adam’s
Thought hard work she brought
And sweat to his brow
For all he might wrought.
What she took was far less then she allowed.
My wife must leave her garden
And put her trust in me,
That I can shoo the hobgoblins
And banishes the banshees
If I should surrender all
And move to her
Would I not become her thrall?
With this I did dicker
But let her be a Salisbury steak
Let us build a life together
Let us redo and remake
All of our failures.
With each try we have failed
That failure brought us
Closter to what we want unveiled
That which is ageless,
Two lives shared,
In love and in lust
Letting all be bared
Between me and my truest.
Until then I wonder
Until then I await
For her to stop being a dreamer
And to follow what her heart dictates.

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