Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Labor's Worth

What garden ever grew, or building built
Or thread put on a spool,
Was there a log ever split
That no hand touched a tool?
What wealth ever came to be
That was wrought by idle hands?
What fish came out of the sea
At who’s commands
To land cooked
On a dinner plate
Without hand, net, or hook
And lie awaiting to be ate?
The richest of the rich
Depend upon the labor’s hands
Without which
They would have to turn their own hand.
Labor built the land
But without ideas
In the caves we would still stand.
Work is required, but without assets
A dream remains dreams
Plans go unfulfilled.
Trees are not turned to beams
And the grain remains un-milled.
The laborer is worthy of his hire,
But so is the landlord of his rent.
And the one who risks the wealth he acquired,
Is worthy of his percent.
As the one who holds to resell,
The one who transport,
Or lets rooms in a hotel.,
And those who import and export.
An honest effort
In return for an honest return
These are the stalwarts
They are the ones to honor we secern.

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