Monday, July 5, 2010

The Truth About Addiction

Here is the truth about addiction:
I am not addicted.
I can quit any time
I just have to make up my mind
I have done it many times.
But right now I just want one more hit.
One more drink and I‘ll be fine,
Just something to chase the demons away
And I can lay it down.
Here is the truth about addiction
They say that I am, but I’m not.
They just don’t understand
I need to self medicate
I know the treatment I need
To stop the craving,
The deep crying need
To crawl into myself
And make the world go away
And leave me in peace.
Here is the truth about addiction
I like it better then the alternatives
The only worry I have is getting
My supply stashed away
So I can stay high
For as long as I can
And avoid the crash
Of running dry
That is my worst world
A strait world!
Here is the truth about addiction
It is a need that takes a hold of you
And just want let go.
The only time you can
Not think about it
Is when you are doing it.
I am free in my mind only
When I have enough stashed
To not worry about my next fix.
Here is the truth about addiction
The Devil made you do it.
No mater now wrong you may be.
He lets you justify your actions
He let you lay the blame
On anything and every one
His minions help you
The psychologist and psychoanalysis
Assure you it is not your fault
Here is the truth about addiction
Society is to blame.
And if not society
Then your genes carry the fault.
You are blameless
The Devil made you do it.


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