Thursday, July 8, 2010


Let me resay that,

Pain from living.
To live is to hurt,
Small pains and
Large pains
Physical pain
From engagements in
Physical acts.
Bang your elbow
Oh that hurts,
But not like
A horse wreck,
A car wreck.
Bang your thumb
With a hammer,
Fall playing football.
If you play you are gona hurt.
Here’s the bitch,
If you don’t play
You gona hurt.
Just standing at work.
So you relax
Lay back
Get more out of shape
And hurt more.
Decide to work out
Oh My God!
Didn’t know you
Get so sore.
My advice, if you are
Going to hurt,
Hurt doing something
Instead of hurting for nothing.
Let me resay that,
Pain from living.
Emotional pain,
Unrequitedly love,
And loss.
Hurts in a way
We all know
But sometimes
Cannot say.
Being betrayed by a lie,
Unkept promises,
Even good intention
Can rock your certainties.
Hurt as bad as
A horse wreck,
A car wreck,
Sometime so bad
Is the hurt that
We craw into it,
And hide.
So as not to get hurt again.
Here’s the bitch,
When you hide from hurt
The hurt is
All around you.
Hurt not left behind
Cannot heal.
But you can only
Leave it behind
By exposing yourself,
Like a wound to the sun,
To life
With all its risk.
Then the pain can go away!
My advice, if you are
Going to hurt,
Hurt living, not dying!

1 comment:

mel said...

You are so right and that is what I do most of the time but physical pain such as nerve.pain is UNBEARABLE at times that's when I hide in my cave